Saturday, August 8, 2020

The Minimalists Favorite Podcasts

The Minimalists Favorite Podcasts We  spent two days last week in Southern California with our new friend,  Rob Bell,  discussing how to improve leadership practices, how to handle criticism, and how to adopt an appropriate rhythm of life (plus, surfing, hiking, and fish tacos). Then, at the end of our time together, Rob invited us to join him as his next guests on his wonderful podcast, The  RobCast,  to discuss minimalism and spirituality. Its one of our favorite podcasts, so naturally we agreed. You can listen to that episode, Episode 15 | The Minimalists, for free on iTunes. Over the past few years, podcasts have become a significant chunk  of  how we consume meaningful information. Later this year, we  will launch our own podcast:  The Minimalists Podcast. Until then, wed  like to suggest a dozen  of our favorite podcasts. Its an eclectic mix, and we hope youll find value in at least a few. 12 Outstanding Podcasts RobCast. Rob Bell, a talented storyteller and former mega-church pastor, explores the idea that everything is spiritual. Waking Up. Sam Harris, a well-known atheist and neuroscientist, also explores the idea that everything is spiritual. Mind Palace. Jessica Lynn Williams and Melissa Cain discuss mindfulness and minimalism from both sides of the pond. Very Bad Wizards.  A philosopher and a physiologist (who are just a couple of regular dudes as well) ponder the nature of human morality. Tim Ferriss Show. Tim Ferris deconstructs the practices of world-class performers in investing, sports, business, art, etc., to extract  the most effective tactics and tricks anyone can use to improve their own practices. Heres the Thing. Alec Baldwin chats with people he finds interesting, and he proves he might be the worlds best conversationalist in the process. Hardcore History. Dan Carlin, one of the best storytellers on radio, is the history professor we wish wedve  had. Brilliant Idiots. Hip-hop and pop-culture commentary mixed with comedy, heaps of idiocy, and a dash of brilliance: this podcast lives up to its name. Radiolab. A  show about curiosity, where sound illuminates ideas and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. 99% Invisible. A  tiny radio show about design, architecture, and the 99% invisible activity that shapes our world. Grammar Girl.  Your friendly guide to the world of grammar, punctuation, usage, and fun developments in the English language. Freakonomics. Economists  Steve Levitt and Stephen Dubner explore the hidden side of everything. If you enjoy any of these podcastsâ€"if they add value to your lifeâ€"we recommend donating a few bucks to your favorites so they can keep creating outstanding free content. Supporting content creators directly is perhaps the best way to participate in their creative process. If you find value in The Minimalists, consider donating a dollar.

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