Sunday, December 8, 2019
Factory girl free essay sample
The author, Leslie Chang, contends that â€Å"the history of a family begins when a person leaves home†. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Tell why, and then give examples from your own life or from published material outside this book to defend your opinion. I agree with the statement â€Å"the history of a family begins when a person leaves home†. when Chang left rural tradition behind to make a new life for themselves in the city. The old rules no longer apply, traditional education and family values have little or relevance, and new arrivals in the city have to learn fast and adapt quickly in order to survive and prosper in this strange and often hostile new environment. I saw so many changes for people migration to city . when many migrations return to their home villages, they feel bored, listless and alienated . so they bring technology and new ideas to their family and influence them. China is now experiencing the greatest migration in human history, there are so many stories to be told. 2. Chang informs the reader that migrant factory workers â€Å"use a simple term for the move that defines their lives: chuqu, to go out. There was nothing to do at home, so I went out. This is how a migrant story begins†. The story’s two protagonists, Lu Qingmin (Min) and Wu Chunming, both left home to work in the city. What was life like for the girls in their home villages? How old were they when they initially left home, and why did each choose to go out into the world? Min live in the village, around ninety households lived with same family name, they planted rice ,rape and contton on small plots of land. As a girl in traditional chinese family that she was not important . so she had to bear many burdens. 2003 min left the villige to city. Because they had to or chose to escape their farm lives and to work in a factory. 3: Each girl faced significant challenges upon her arrival in the city, and also faced difficulties in her respective factory. What do you think were the most difficult aspects of their new lives in the city, and which of these aspects would be most difficult for you? some of the young women had no idea what factory work was like before arriving there, imagining it as some sort of chatty, casual environment. What they discover is, of course, far different, First and foremost is money, both for their own use and equally to send back to their families. The most difficult for me is the cold heart and careless each other in the city. 4: Describe the benefits of leaving home to become a factory girl. Even though their lives seem unstable and full of never-ending challenges, both Min and Chunming mature and develop in exceptional ways from their experiences. How does each girl changeâ€â€physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and financially, as a result of leaving home? What are the clear advantages of taking control of their own lives in a new city? They trying to find their way in the factory world, to rise up and make something better of their lives. They leave their families for unknown cities far away at age sixteen or younger ( an event made easier because girls are less precious to families than boys) where they then work long hours and live in cramped quarters all the while striving for the edge that will get them off the factory floor and make them upwardly mobile. many migrants also feel freed from a suffocating web of traditional habits and mores. Able to explore and grow in the lawless free-for-all of Chinas boomtowns, many cross an invisible line into the modern world, and there is no going back. 5: Much of this book is about fitting into a foreign culture. Just as the factory girls leave home and are required to adjust to life in a new environment, all expatriate employees share a common history that includes migration. Like the factory girls, employees on global assignments leave their homes and extended families to live in unfamiliar places and cultures. While employees on global assignments may not face the same economic challenges as the factory girls, what kinds of challenges do global employees face when they take on new assignments? How can global HR professionals prepare global employees for the challenges they will face, and what might global HR professionals do to help deal with cultural challenges faced by people working in new cultures? Discuss specifically what might be done to help counteract separation anxiety, loneliness, homesickness, and other issues that make people feel like strangers in a strange land. From the book ‘psychological aspects of geographical moves†it explain that â€Å"it will be important to establish a consensus on the construct in order to pave the way for the development of assessment tools with adequate psychometric characteristics. homesickness reflects problems with separation from the home environment. It interferes with adjustment to the new situation. By contrast, distress caused by adjustment problems in new environments should not be labeled homesickness. In order to avoid unnecessary ambiguity and confusion (recall the serious problems with the stress concept!), I would like to conclude by calling for attention to problems of definition. I look forward to fruitful discussion and the development of new and promising research plans†. 6: What are the clear advantages of global professional experience and living for awhile as an expatriate citizen? What experiences do people who have had these opportunities take with them into the rest of t heir lives? Specifically, how might the person’s individual or family history be altered by the decision to leave home and go out into an alien but fascinating world? professionals have experienced overseas assignments know the downside as well. Advantages include, permitting closer control and coordination of international subsidiaries and providing a broader global perspective. Disadvantages include high transfer costs, the possibility of encountering local government restrictions, and possibly creating a problem of adaptability to foreign environments. There are many reasons . one of the reasons probably is Your ancestors lousy childhoods or excellent adventures might change your personality, bequeathing anxiety or resilience by altering the epigenetic expressions of genes in the brain. People immigrate to other countries for a number of reasons. They include: greener pastures in terms of better paying Jobs, Asylum from political and religious persecutions from their countries, family reunions and many more. 7: Even among the factory girls, compassion, kindness, and understanding seem to make a difference in how one comes to view life. Choose one of the girls in the book (it could be any character identified by name) and recount how her life was made easier by others showing her compassion, kindness, or understanding, or how the lack of compassion, kindness, or understanding made life harder for her. Then, tell about a time in your life when a challenge was lessened by someone showing you compassion, kindness, or understanding. How will this experience of being treated with compassion inform the way you approach your career in global HR? In the book, Lu Qingmin had two true friends when she went to class her friend washed her clothes. When they had friends they live could have fun. Foe example, tipping can be a great way to show people you are grateful for their service. We’ve all committed failures of kindness when we are hurt, angry, or tired. But each of us holds within us the power to achieve triumphs of kindness every day. In the different countries, HR manager’s compassion could lead them easy to adapt the new environment and lead them success. 8. Min and Chunming have fairly common profiles among the factory girls: both come from poor farming families and left home as teenagers to work in the factories without first having attended high school or college. How does going out to the city change the relationships Min and Chunming have with their families back in their respective villages? How does it change thegirls themselves, their ambitions, and their life expectations? Even they both come from same background, they thought the life different ways and different expectation, these different life attitude led them to have the different way for live. Min had a optimistic life attitude , she had more ambitions and she deserved to learn knowledge , so let her have different life for live 9: Imagine that every factor y girl changes in the same ways that Min and Chunming have changed, in terms of family relationships, self-view, ambitions, and life expectations. What would be the impact on China’s culture, traditions, and economy if every factory girl’s worldview changed to mirror Min’s and Chunming’s? In china many younger have open mind to the world, they are fascinated to learn about how their society is viewed by an outsider. China have changed a lot already, many younger have strong ambitions and work hard. However, it is not enough, the key is not only have passion also the important is get knowledge. The author Chang is offering a very different view to migrant workers in china. Almost 20-30 years migrant have already changed china’s tradition culture and economy. Chang includes her own family story in the book, juxtaposed with Min’s and Chunming’s. What are the similarities and differences between the Chang family’s story of migration to the US and Min’s and Chunming’s stories of migration from the village to the city? Chuqu is the words represent Chinese people look for better life and freedom even from different generation. In the â€Å"factory girls†teen women’s migration from country to factory represents the ambition of the young Chinese people wishing to access greater opportunities that exist in certain parts of the country. But in Chnag’s family they are more search for freedom life. It had subtle meaning about the hash life in the communist part. 11: Contemplate the role honesty plays in the role of the factory girls’ lives. Chang tells stories of factory girls using forged or stolen identification documents, misrepresenting their qualifications, and indulging in other behaviors that would be considered highly inappropriate for workers in the US and some other cultures. How does the knowledge that such practices seem to be condoned affect how you might develop and manage the HR function of your global employer’s global operation? As a global HR professional, what policies and procedures might you implement in China to make it more difficult for prospective employees to misrepresent themselves, or would you adopt a laissez faire approach to recruiting and selection in China? In China this is seem normal for the under age people eho have hard life in their hometown, they need to work to get better life or support their younger sister or brother to get education. For the model life especial in the western country people think this is not inappropriate, but for some family this is necessary for life. As a HR manager work in this situation, even they understand the culture, they still need have the rule to control this misrepresenting, because in the host country, they need carefully obey the law and regulation. They couldn’t act like local businessman. They can make many different ways to prevent this happen. 12: Many of the consumer goods produced by the factory girls are sold in the US, as well as in other industrialized countries. We may be carrying, wearing, or using goods made by the factory girls Chang writes about. Consider the life circumstances of these girls in terms of housing, working conditions, and pay. How does this affect your attitude towards consumerism, affluence, and your own spending practices? People live in the western country, they use and wear many goods from the country like â€Å"factory girls†the life circumstances of these girls in terms of housing, working conditions, and pay. Consumerism still pay hihe price for goods even the cost is cheap because for the globle competition, company require the low cost, the the world, there are so many poor countries, for survive they sacrifice the environment and human resource for get profit or survive for the competition. Cosumer is hard to know and choice where and how the goods product. Every people work hard for life and try look for cheap goods for family. The world is not equal, people aware are good but to change the world is hard. 13: . At one point, one of the factory girls gives Chang a designer handbag made in the factory where the factory girl works. When Chang suggests that it might be a nice gift for the mother of the factory girl’s boyfriend, the girl informs Chang, â€Å"She lives on a farm. What would she do with a purse†? What do you think this statement says about the opinion this particular factory girl may have of rural village life and the family the girl has left behind? This is true! People live different place they have different need. In china, people live in the rural village , they have their own style and taste, if Chang give this designer handbag to her boyfriend mother, probably the mother of her boyfriend never use, it is better give a useful things and they will proud that instead the handbag that the villiage people don’t know the brand. This is only the people really understand their own culture, they can give a gift by different ways.
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