Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Gender Discrimination New Girl Essay - 1989 Words
As long as I can remember, gender discrimination has been a problem. Now, it may have progressed through time, but in reality it still exists. There are many different types of stereotypes in the world. People just assume, because of their gender now days, how someone acts or how they think. These two topics are everywhere you look such as: television shows, billboards, books, movies, or even at work and school. In the television show New Girl, it displays stereotypes and gender discrimination with society’s general idea of men and women. It may be a funny, entertaining show to watch, but it does have its flaws. The show, New Girl, takes place in Los Angeles, California. Season one starts as three guys, Nick, Schmidt, and Coach, that are living in an apartment together as roommates. Meanwhile, a girl named Jess is living with her boyfriend and walks in on him cheating on her. She decided to move out and find another place to live. The three roommates set up on Craigslist that they have a room open for someone to live in. Jess, in need of a home, replied to the roommates and said she would love to come and try it out. The guys give her an â€Å"interview†as they call it and decided to keep her because they need help paying for the apartment. Throughout the five seasons, many situations and climaxes happen. Their former roommate, Winston, comes back to live with them. Coach leaves to live with his girlfriend. Schmidt tries to hook up with Jess, but she would never and makes thatShow MoreRelatedSummary Of Looking For Alibrandi By Goria Steinem1077 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"A gender-equal society would be one where the word â€Å"gender†does not exist: where everyone can be themselves. â€Å"said by Goria Steinem. I disagree with Steinem’s statement in relation to gender equality in contemporary Australia. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Boeing Operations Management - 6718 Words
BPTrends November 2005 How Boeing AT Manages Business Processes How Boeing AT Manages Business Processes Pamela Garretson and Paul Harmon Business Process Management is a hot topic in business circles today. Most companies report that they are investing in business process management. Some are focused on modeling their operations, while others focus on measuring process performance. Some are committed to Six Sigma improvement efforts, while others describe how Information Technology (IT) is being used to automate a key business process. Only a few companies, however, report that they actually use process measures in the day-to-day management of their organization. Everyone agrees that, ultimately, business process management†¦show more content†¦The PBM approach starts by defining the organization as a series of processes and by assigning process management oversight responsibilities to senior executive process owners who, in turn, drive PBM downward by assigning process responsibilities to subordinate process owners. Thus, a wide cross-section of the management structure within the C-17 Program, and now withi n Boeing AT, has process management responsibilities. In the mid-90’s, senior executives not only supported the organization’s transition to PBM but assumed leading roles, serving as training role models and participating in joint reviews of processes with the Government customer. Today, ongoing, active commitment of senior executives continues as part of day-to-day process management. Starting With a Vision and a Plan Integral to the C-17 Program’s successful deployment of not only the PBM approach but the overall implementation of the Malcolm Baldrige criteria was the implementation of a vision that focused on improving performance and quality as well as on customer satisfaction. As the PBM approach was developed and deployed, the Air Force customer participated jointly in the identification and management of key processes. The C-17 Program’s process focus began when there was considerable interest in process reengineering but less emphasis on process management. Although there were some trials and errors along the way, the C-17 Program eventually created the PBM methodology to guide its ongoingShow MoreRelatedWhat Factors Must a Firm Consider While Addressing the Make or Buy Decision?3664 Words  | 15 Pages3 (A) What factors must a firm consider while addressing the make or buy decision? 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Factory girl free essay sample
The author, Leslie Chang, contends that â€Å"the history of a family begins when a person leaves home†. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Tell why, and then give examples from your own life or from published material outside this book to defend your opinion. I agree with the statement â€Å"the history of a family begins when a person leaves home†. when Chang left rural tradition behind to make a new life for themselves in the city. The old rules no longer apply, traditional education and family values have little or relevance, and new arrivals in the city have to learn fast and adapt quickly in order to survive and prosper in this strange and often hostile new environment. I saw so many changes for people migration to city . when many migrations return to their home villages, they feel bored, listless and alienated . so they bring technology and new ideas to their family and influence them. China is now experiencing the greatest migration in human history, there are so many stories to be told. 2. Chang informs the reader that migrant factory workers â€Å"use a simple term for the move that defines their lives: chuqu, to go out. There was nothing to do at home, so I went out. This is how a migrant story begins†. The story’s two protagonists, Lu Qingmin (Min) and Wu Chunming, both left home to work in the city. What was life like for the girls in their home villages? How old were they when they initially left home, and why did each choose to go out into the world? Min live in the village, around ninety households lived with same family name, they planted rice ,rape and contton on small plots of land. As a girl in traditional chinese family that she was not important . so she had to bear many burdens. 2003 min left the villige to city. Because they had to or chose to escape their farm lives and to work in a factory. 3: Each girl faced significant challenges upon her arrival in the city, and also faced difficulties in her respective factory. What do you think were the most difficult aspects of their new lives in the city, and which of these aspects would be most difficult for you? some of the young women had no idea what factory work was like before arriving there, imagining it as some sort of chatty, casual environment. What they discover is, of course, far different, First and foremost is money, both for their own use and equally to send back to their families. The most difficult for me is the cold heart and careless each other in the city. 4: Describe the benefits of leaving home to become a factory girl. Even though their lives seem unstable and full of never-ending challenges, both Min and Chunming mature and develop in exceptional ways from their experiences. How does each girl changeâ€â€physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially, and financially, as a result of leaving home? What are the clear advantages of taking control of their own lives in a new city? They trying to find their way in the factory world, to rise up and make something better of their lives. They leave their families for unknown cities far away at age sixteen or younger ( an event made easier because girls are less precious to families than boys) where they then work long hours and live in cramped quarters all the while striving for the edge that will get them off the factory floor and make them upwardly mobile. many migrants also feel freed from a suffocating web of traditional habits and mores. Able to explore and grow in the lawless free-for-all of Chinas boomtowns, many cross an invisible line into the modern world, and there is no going back. 5: Much of this book is about fitting into a foreign culture. Just as the factory girls leave home and are required to adjust to life in a new environment, all expatriate employees share a common history that includes migration. Like the factory girls, employees on global assignments leave their homes and extended families to live in unfamiliar places and cultures. While employees on global assignments may not face the same economic challenges as the factory girls, what kinds of challenges do global employees face when they take on new assignments? How can global HR professionals prepare global employees for the challenges they will face, and what might global HR professionals do to help deal with cultural challenges faced by people working in new cultures? Discuss specifically what might be done to help counteract separation anxiety, loneliness, homesickness, and other issues that make people feel like strangers in a strange land. From the book ‘psychological aspects of geographical moves†it explain that â€Å"it will be important to establish a consensus on the construct in order to pave the way for the development of assessment tools with adequate psychometric characteristics. homesickness reflects problems with separation from the home environment. It interferes with adjustment to the new situation. By contrast, distress caused by adjustment problems in new environments should not be labeled homesickness. In order to avoid unnecessary ambiguity and confusion (recall the serious problems with the stress concept!), I would like to conclude by calling for attention to problems of definition. I look forward to fruitful discussion and the development of new and promising research plans†. 6: What are the clear advantages of global professional experience and living for awhile as an expatriate citizen? What experiences do people who have had these opportunities take with them into the rest of t heir lives? Specifically, how might the person’s individual or family history be altered by the decision to leave home and go out into an alien but fascinating world? professionals have experienced overseas assignments know the downside as well. Advantages include, permitting closer control and coordination of international subsidiaries and providing a broader global perspective. Disadvantages include high transfer costs, the possibility of encountering local government restrictions, and possibly creating a problem of adaptability to foreign environments. There are many reasons . one of the reasons probably is Your ancestors lousy childhoods or excellent adventures might change your personality, bequeathing anxiety or resilience by altering the epigenetic expressions of genes in the brain. People immigrate to other countries for a number of reasons. They include: greener pastures in terms of better paying Jobs, Asylum from political and religious persecutions from their countries, family reunions and many more. 7: Even among the factory girls, compassion, kindness, and understanding seem to make a difference in how one comes to view life. Choose one of the girls in the book (it could be any character identified by name) and recount how her life was made easier by others showing her compassion, kindness, or understanding, or how the lack of compassion, kindness, or understanding made life harder for her. Then, tell about a time in your life when a challenge was lessened by someone showing you compassion, kindness, or understanding. How will this experience of being treated with compassion inform the way you approach your career in global HR? In the book, Lu Qingmin had two true friends when she went to class her friend washed her clothes. When they had friends they live could have fun. Foe example, tipping can be a great way to show people you are grateful for their service. We’ve all committed failures of kindness when we are hurt, angry, or tired. But each of us holds within us the power to achieve triumphs of kindness every day. In the different countries, HR manager’s compassion could lead them easy to adapt the new environment and lead them success. 8. Min and Chunming have fairly common profiles among the factory girls: both come from poor farming families and left home as teenagers to work in the factories without first having attended high school or college. How does going out to the city change the relationships Min and Chunming have with their families back in their respective villages? How does it change thegirls themselves, their ambitions, and their life expectations? Even they both come from same background, they thought the life different ways and different expectation, these different life attitude led them to have the different way for live. Min had a optimistic life attitude , she had more ambitions and she deserved to learn knowledge , so let her have different life for live 9: Imagine that every factor y girl changes in the same ways that Min and Chunming have changed, in terms of family relationships, self-view, ambitions, and life expectations. What would be the impact on China’s culture, traditions, and economy if every factory girl’s worldview changed to mirror Min’s and Chunming’s? In china many younger have open mind to the world, they are fascinated to learn about how their society is viewed by an outsider. China have changed a lot already, many younger have strong ambitions and work hard. However, it is not enough, the key is not only have passion also the important is get knowledge. The author Chang is offering a very different view to migrant workers in china. Almost 20-30 years migrant have already changed china’s tradition culture and economy. Chang includes her own family story in the book, juxtaposed with Min’s and Chunming’s. What are the similarities and differences between the Chang family’s story of migration to the US and Min’s and Chunming’s stories of migration from the village to the city? Chuqu is the words represent Chinese people look for better life and freedom even from different generation. In the â€Å"factory girls†teen women’s migration from country to factory represents the ambition of the young Chinese people wishing to access greater opportunities that exist in certain parts of the country. But in Chnag’s family they are more search for freedom life. It had subtle meaning about the hash life in the communist part. 11: Contemplate the role honesty plays in the role of the factory girls’ lives. Chang tells stories of factory girls using forged or stolen identification documents, misrepresenting their qualifications, and indulging in other behaviors that would be considered highly inappropriate for workers in the US and some other cultures. How does the knowledge that such practices seem to be condoned affect how you might develop and manage the HR function of your global employer’s global operation? As a global HR professional, what policies and procedures might you implement in China to make it more difficult for prospective employees to misrepresent themselves, or would you adopt a laissez faire approach to recruiting and selection in China? In China this is seem normal for the under age people eho have hard life in their hometown, they need to work to get better life or support their younger sister or brother to get education. For the model life especial in the western country people think this is not inappropriate, but for some family this is necessary for life. As a HR manager work in this situation, even they understand the culture, they still need have the rule to control this misrepresenting, because in the host country, they need carefully obey the law and regulation. They couldn’t act like local businessman. They can make many different ways to prevent this happen. 12: Many of the consumer goods produced by the factory girls are sold in the US, as well as in other industrialized countries. We may be carrying, wearing, or using goods made by the factory girls Chang writes about. Consider the life circumstances of these girls in terms of housing, working conditions, and pay. How does this affect your attitude towards consumerism, affluence, and your own spending practices? People live in the western country, they use and wear many goods from the country like â€Å"factory girls†the life circumstances of these girls in terms of housing, working conditions, and pay. Consumerism still pay hihe price for goods even the cost is cheap because for the globle competition, company require the low cost, the the world, there are so many poor countries, for survive they sacrifice the environment and human resource for get profit or survive for the competition. Cosumer is hard to know and choice where and how the goods product. Every people work hard for life and try look for cheap goods for family. The world is not equal, people aware are good but to change the world is hard. 13: . At one point, one of the factory girls gives Chang a designer handbag made in the factory where the factory girl works. When Chang suggests that it might be a nice gift for the mother of the factory girl’s boyfriend, the girl informs Chang, â€Å"She lives on a farm. What would she do with a purse†? What do you think this statement says about the opinion this particular factory girl may have of rural village life and the family the girl has left behind? This is true! People live different place they have different need. In china, people live in the rural village , they have their own style and taste, if Chang give this designer handbag to her boyfriend mother, probably the mother of her boyfriend never use, it is better give a useful things and they will proud that instead the handbag that the villiage people don’t know the brand. This is only the people really understand their own culture, they can give a gift by different ways.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Managing Change for Competitive Success
This paper explores two concepts that have been studied in due course; personality and change. The paper begins by defining the concepts and then goes ahead to provide a summary of them. In addition, the paper will give data outlining a problem related to one of the concepts. Moreover, the paper will give a summary of findings and offer recommendations for change where applicable.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Change for Competitive Success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Personality Personality refers to consistent behavior patterns and intrapersonal processes originating within an individual†(Burger 2010, p. 4). Notice that there are two aspects to it. Part one is concerned with consistent patterns of behavior. These represent the individual differences. An important feature of personality is consistency. People can observe these consistent patterns of behavior across time and situations. The second part is concerned with the intrapersonal processes. In contrast to interpersonal processes, which take place between people, intrapersonal processes take place within individuals. They include emotional, motivational and cognitive processes, and they determine how people react or feel. The manner in which people use these processes and how they interact with individual differences determines the overall character of an individual. These consistent behavior patterns and intrapersonal processes originate within an individual. However, this does not mean that external factors do not affect an individual’s personality. According to Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) model, which rests on the personality theory of Carl Jung, personality assumes the following (Howard, P Howard, J 2002): Personality hangs on four dimensional framework; scores of each dimension fall along a binomial distribution and the judger dimension is a key determinant of a person’s preferences. On the other hand, the five factor model (FFM) or the big five model is based on experience and not theory. â€Å"FFM relies on the following: personality has five dimensions, scores of dimension fall along a normal distribution, personality is best described by individual traits rather than types, and the strength of the scores indicates preferences†(The Big Five 2012). FFM has been widely accepted in the academic and psychology communities. It has been employed in team building and employee selection. Job analysis, customer service, management and leadership development, coaching and counseling; career development, conflict management and training design have all benefitted from FFM. Pro FFM model experts identified five correlated groups of behaviors, each of which exists along a continuum.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They are negative emotionality, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness and extraversion. Negative emotionality determines an individual’s capability to withstand stress. Those who have negative emotionality experience many negative emotions and report less satisfaction with life. They are reactive and lack resilience. Since they are susceptible to emotions and show discontent with life, individuals with negative emotionality end up as social scientists, academicians, or customer service professionals (Howard, P Howard, J 2002). On the other end, those individuals without low, negative emotionality tend to be resilient and experience life on a more rational level than others. In addition, responsive individuals fall in the middle range of negative emotionality continuum. Responsive individuals demonstrate a mix of resilient and reactive qualities. The extraversion factor describes one’s comfort level with relationships. Extraverts spend much of their time maintaining and enjoying many relationships. Extrav erts tend to lead, talk and exert themselves physically more often than other people. Such people are usually friendly and outgoing. However, introverts have few relationships and spend a little time with them. Most extroverts find themselves in arts, politics sales and social sciences. On the contrary, introverts take up managerial roles or end up as physical and natural scientists (Howard, P Howard, J 2002). Between the extremes are ambiverts who move comfortably between social and solitary situations. Openness addresses one’s range of interests. Extremely open people (explorers) are fascinated by novelty and innovation. Explorers describe themselves as more introspective and reflective than most people describe themselves. The individuals with explorer profile usually take roles in entrepreneurial, architectural, theoretical, physical and social fields (Howard, P Howard, J 2002). Those who are less open have narrower interests, appear more conventional, and find comfort in the familiar. Such individuals are seen to be conservative. They assume roles in management and applied science. Between explorers and preservers are moderators. Moderators find too much novelty tiresome and too much of the status quo boring. On the other hand, agreeableness refers to a persons’ propensity to differ with others. An adapter refers to a person who is easily agreeable. Individuals with adaptor profiles are usually found in professions like teaching, social work and psychology (Howard, P Howard, J 2002). At the extreme end, adaptors (tender minded) can become dependent personalities who lose their sense of self. Such people value harmony more than they prize having their say or their way.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Managing Change for Competitive Success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Other hand, challengers focus more on their needs or norms and not on those of others. Challengers usually take roles in advertising and business management fields or the military (Howard, P Howard, J 2002). Challengers (tough minded) can become antisocial, authoritarian, narcissistic or paranoid personalities who have lost their sense of feeling for others. Moreover, conscientiousness refers to a number of goals that one focuses. A highly conscientiousness person is focused and purses fewer goals in a purposeful way. A highly focused person may end up being a workaholic. Such people serve as leaders and executives. A person with low conscientiousness pursues many goals in a spontaneous, scattered way. Flexibles tend to be less focused on goals and are more hedonistic. Such individuals lack control over their impulses. They do not necessarily work less than focused people, but they direct less of their work to specific goals (Howard, P Howard, J 2002).â€Å"The big five vocabulary enables people to communicate constructively about their personality differences†(Howard, P Howard, J 2002, p. 34). The model offers a comprehensive source metaphor that celebrates the fullness of human personality. Managers are expected to have a strong personality in order to cope up with work related stress and other responsibilities. The position of a manager in the present day comes with huge responsibilities and stress. Nowadays, managers are expected to produce results in spite of the challenges at hand. Managers are supposed to devise solutions to challenges that keep on arising at the place of work. Such challenges may include limited budget, reassignment of staff, reorganization of units, withdrawal of finance, government policies, employees’ demands and unavailability of resources. Change â€Å"Change management means to plan, to initiate, to realize to reflect and to stabilize fundamental and far reaching processes†(Recklies 2012, p.1). Change management aims at short term and long term basis of effective changes of behavior patterns and abil ities, in order to optimize processes and communication structures. Thus, an integrative approach to the reorganizations is necessary. Change management is the strategy of planned and systematic change, which is achieved by the influence of the organizational structure, corporate culture and individual behavior; and requires the participation of employees.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More â€Å"In the broader sense, change management is a theoretical concept, which is given to the organization from the outside†(change management 2012, p. 1). Therefore, â€Å"the objectives of change are developed from external advisors (change agents) whereas; the employees are involved on a limited scale with decision making and the conversion of the concept†(change management 2012, p. 1). Balogun and Hailey (2002) argue that change is becoming a way of life for most organizations and managers. Studies done in 1980s, and 1990s indicate that many organizations have been undertaking many types of change including culture change, total quality management, business process re-engineering, and downsizing and delayering. However, many change initiates have not been effective, and organizations are in the process of developing managers who can manage change with a lot of ease (Charan 2006). Managers require context sensitivity (Balogun and Hailey). Contest sensitivity is th e ability to understand the context someone is working in and, it enables one to devise approaches to change that will be effective in that context. Thus, successful change requires a context sensitive approach (Balogun and Hailey 2002). They ague that change can be effected using a framework called change kaleidoscope. The tool enables managers to have a rigorous analysis of the context, a consideration of a range of implementation options, a valuation of one’s own preferences, and how this limits the options to be considered and development of change judgment. In order to design change plan, change implementers should use the organization’s context to guide the approach selected. Change kaleidoscope relies on the definition of contextual constraints and enablers. They are Time: the speed with which change is to be achieved. Scope: the extent of change required in terms of transformation and realignments, within the parts of the organization affected by the changes. P reservation: the extent to which it is necessary to maintain continuity in certain practice. Diversity: the degree of diversity in terms of values, norms and attitudes among the groups of staff affected by the change. Capability: level of competence for managing change. Capacity: the amount of money available to invest in the change, human resource availability and managerial time. Readiness for change: the extent to which employees understand the need for the anticipated change. Power: relies on the change initiator, implementer and other influential stakeholders. In addition, change kaleidoscope entails the definition of implementation options. This involves change type, change start point, change style, change target, change roles and change interventions. Balogun and Hailey (2002) encourage organizations seeking change to follow three steps. The organization should assess the contextual constraints and enablers, determine change parts and use contextual features to inform the ch oices to be taken. Charan (2006) argues that in order for large corporations to achieve major and permanent changes in business performance, they must create a sustainable change in culture. â€Å"Understanding the contextual constraints and enablers is key to understanding the type of change an organization is able to undertake as opposed to the type of change it needs to undertake†(Balogun Hailey 2002). According to Kneer (2009), the implementation of change management takes place in seven steps. The first step involves the creation of consciousness for an urgent need for change by conducting a deeper analysis. The market and the competitive position are examined followed by an evaluation of the possible chances or risks for the business (Beer Nohria 2000). The second step involves the development of visions, aims and strategy. A team that handles this step should be competent enough, and have sufficient conviction and power to design the change. The compiled visions and strategies are communicated in the company during the third step. The change agents need to be cautious of their responsibility, and they should exemplify things. They should state clearly what employees are supposed to do. The fourth step involves subdividing the project into smaller subprojects. If the subprojects are completed, employees will start to have a feeling of success. This positively supports the remaining processes. In the fifth step, it is important to align existing structures in the company to a modified business environment. It is advisable to allow employees to participate in the reorganization. The sixth and seventh steps involve the establishment of the change management. This is accomplished through structures, appropriate training, of the employees via the new projects which keeps the changes process alive. The last step also involves ingraining the new behavior in the social standards and values. In order to achieve optimal results, the change process should be goal oriented. The reasons as to why the organization is undergoing change should be clearly stated. The starting point should also be clearly defined. It should be specified how the success of the objectives is going to be measured qualitatively and quantitatively. Thus, proper measurement instruments should be put in place. The change process will succeed if it fully involves the employees. In fact, this will increase their motivation and enhance their identification with the company. To achieve this, they should be involved in the analysis stage so that they can understand the background. In addition, employees should be adequately trained so that they can master all assigned tasks technically. Appropriate training can be essential in adjusting existing deficits, minimize the fear of the employees concerning new tasks and enhance the willingness for the change. In order to realize the success of the change process, both the management style and the organization should change. Change processes present learning experiences and participants might be challenged, but not overstrained (Barger Kirby 1995). Sufficient time should be given to employees to process individual work procedures. The implementers of the change process should be ready to encounter resistance to change by some employees. However, this can be minimized by engaging them fully in the change process (Pettigrew Whipp 1991). Therefore, to understand problems related to these concepts, the paper focuses on a scenario in which a manager aged 35 years, faces change related challenges. The manager is heading a mining company of Asian origin that has 5000 employees globally and is worth $10 billion. The company is semi private because the biggest shareholder is the ministry of economics. The company faces a challenge regarding exploration activity. People within the company have differing options regarding the amount investment that should be allocated for exploration, development, production an d asset acquisition. Initial investments had failed to produce expected results. The existing proportion of investment allocation aims at allocating 30% to the exploration activities. Out of the 3O% one third goes to XYZ (home country)/domestic exploration, and the remaining is allocated to overseas exploration. 60% of the investment has been diverted to development activities and the remaining 10% finances production activities and asset acquisition. A summary of the Findings Action plan 1: to maintain exploration activities on the same level as allocated in the previous year which saves cash dividend to shareholders and stops concentrated investment in a single project. The contents: It is same as the proportion of existing investment allocation; however, it takes some reduction of the amount of cash dividend to shareholders when compared with last year’s performance-based profit sharing. The activity of shifting dividend from international exploration production companies to shareholders is relatively acceptable. This is because of high risk business and using the cash coming from reduced dividend for exploration activities. In addition, the company does not seek to take more than 25% interest of any exploration activities. Action plan 2: aims at shifting to domestic exploration activities and reducing international exploration activities while maintaining the same proportion of investment allocated in the previous year. It is the same proportion of existing investment allocation; however, the investment allocation at domestic and international exploration activity is different. Based on the historical success rate, the domestic exploration activities are higher than international’s. Although the exploration activity is a gamble regardless of its location, the degree of domestic gamble and overseas gamble is different from probability point of view. The company has a lot of domestic exploration experience. The company has a solid grasp of the geological data and geomorphologic features. Nonetheless, the scale of domestic oil and gas fields is smaller than the international’s scale because of geomorphologic features when compared with the Middle East and Oceania region. In view of the above circumstances, the degree of the basic risk of domestic and international exploration activity do not make much difference. Action plan 3: The summary is to reduce 10% of overall exploration activities and to raise the 10% finance to international oil gas assets acquisition. The proportion of investment allocation is composed of 20% for exploration activity, 60% for development activity and 20% for production activity and asset acquisition. Basically, exploration activity is a gamble. Reducing 10% of exploration activity makes sense in order to shift investment to much reliable oil gas asset acquisition. This also contributes to the improvement of the company’s cash flow, making profits and collecting invested cash ear ly for the next available investment in exploration activities. Recently, there have been a lot of asset acquisition opportunities mainly from companies in same industries, strategic business partners in different industries, XYZ government and investment banks. The price of the oil gas assets used in the production is used in calculating oil recoverable reserve, reserve-production ratio, and current market oil price. Usually, the profit coming directly from the acquired assets only is not big. However, there are synergetic effects through reducing operating costs, discounting insurance, procuring oil producing equipments and applying geological data efficiently to flush out more oil. Recommendations for change The organization should understand that in order to realize maximum benefits from the mining activities, there is a need for change. Therefore, to implement this change, the organization should follow the three steps postulated by Balogun and Hailey (2002). The organization should assess the contextual constraints and enablers, determine change parts and use contextual features to inform the choices to be taken. References Barger, J. Kirby, K. 1995, The Challenge of Change in Organizations, Davis Black, California. Beer, M. Nohria, N. 2000, ‘Cracking the Code of Change’, Harvard Business Review Journal, Vol. 1 no. 23 p. 133-145. Burger, J. 2010, Personality, Cengage Learning, Sydney. Change Management 2012. Web. Charan 2006, ‘Home Depot’s Blue Print for Culture Change’, Harvard Business Review Journal, Vol. 1 no. 14, p. 61-70. Balogun, J. and Hailey, V. 2002, ‘Devising Sensitive Approaches to Change: The Example of Glaxo Wellcome’, Long Range Planning Journal, Vol. 32, no. 24, p. 153-178. Howard, P. and Howard, J. 2002, Buddy, Can You Paradigm? EBSCO, Massachusetts. Kneer, C. 2009, Change Management: enhance the ability to survive. GRIN Verlag, Munich. Pettigrew, M. Whipp, R. 1991, Managing Change for Co mpetitive Success, Oxford Press, Oxford. Recklies, O. 2012, Managing Change: definition and phases in change processes. Web. The Big Five 2012. Web. This essay on Managing Change for Competitive Success was written and submitted by user Davian Reed to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on Tesla
Tesla, Nikola (b. July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, Croatiad. Jan. 7, 1943, New York City), Serbian-American inventor and researcher who discovered the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. He emigrated to the United States in 1884 and sold the patent rights to his system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors to George Westinghouse the following year. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology. Tesla was from a family of Serbian origin. His father was an Orthodox priest; his mother was unschooled but highly intelligent. A dreamer with a poetic touch, as he matured Tesla added to these earlier qualities those of self-discipline and a desire for precision. Training for an engineering career, he attended the Technical University at Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague. At Graz he first saw the Gramme dynamo, which operated as a generator and, when reversed, became an electric motor, and he conceived a way to use alternating current to advantage. Later, at Budapest, he visualized the principle of the rotating magnetic field and developed plans for an induction motor that would become his first step toward the successful utilization of alternating current. In 1882 Tesla went to work in Paris for the Continental Edison Company, and, while on assignment to Strassburg in 1883, he constructed, in after-work hours, his first induction motor. Tesla sailed for America in 1884, arriving in New York, with four cents in his pocket, a few of his own poems, and calculations for a flying machine. He first found employment with Thomas Edison, but the two inventors were far apart in background and methods, and their separation was inevitable. In May 1885, George Westinghouse, head of the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, bought the patent rights to Tesla's polyphase system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors. The transa... Free Essays on Tesla Free Essays on Tesla Tesla, Nikola (b. July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, Croatiad. Jan. 7, 1943, New York City), Serbian-American inventor and researcher who discovered the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. He emigrated to the United States in 1884 and sold the patent rights to his system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors to George Westinghouse the following year. In 1891 he invented the Tesla coil, an induction coil widely used in radio technology. Tesla was from a family of Serbian origin. His father was an Orthodox priest; his mother was unschooled but highly intelligent. A dreamer with a poetic touch, as he matured Tesla added to these earlier qualities those of self-discipline and a desire for precision. Training for an engineering career, he attended the Technical University at Graz, Austria, and the University of Prague. At Graz he first saw the Gramme dynamo, which operated as a generator and, when reversed, became an electric motor, and he conceived a way to use alternating current to advantage. Later, at Budapest, he visualized the principle of the rotating magnetic field and developed plans for an induction motor that would become his first step toward the successful utilization of alternating current. In 1882 Tesla went to work in Paris for the Continental Edison Company, and, while on assignment to Strassburg in 1883, he constructed, in after-work hours, his first induction motor. Tesla sailed for America in 1884, arriving in New York, with four cents in his pocket, a few of his own poems, and calculations for a flying machine. He first found employment with Thomas Edison, but the two inventors were far apart in background and methods, and their separation was inevitable. In May 1885, George Westinghouse, head of the Westinghouse Electric Company in Pittsburgh, bought the patent rights to Tesla's polyphase system of alternating-current dynamos, transformers, and motors. The transa...
Friday, November 22, 2019
10 Ways to Challenge Your Brain
10 Ways to Challenge Your Brain Exercising your brain is arguably just as important as exercising the rest of your body. If you’re looking for ways that you can give your brain a nice little work out session, here are 10 ways you can challenge your brain to do more.  Source: []
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Profile of a Theorist (Edward T. Hall) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Profile of a Theorist (Edward T. Hall) - Essay Example olars, among them the famous Marshall McLuhan who came out with the mantra, â€Å" the medium is the message†, and with whom Hall had a long and fruitful correspondence. Hall is universally acknowledged to be the founding father of studies on intercultural communication, because it all started with his early work in the 1950s for the United States State Department in order to coach foreign service personnel survival skills in intercultural communication. He realized that a majority of the communication gaps between people from different cultures could be because of different perceptions they had about the same thing, based on their cultural background. Intercultural communication is usually defined as any direct communicative interaction between individuals or groups of individuals belonging to different cultures. In other words, the term denotes interpersonal communication between "strangers" on the micro-level of face-to-face interaction. In a wider sense, however, the term is also but less frequently used to refer to direct or indirect interactions or contacts between ethnic groups, nations or cultures, thus denoting culture contact and cultural exchange on the meso- or macro-level. ( Roth, Klaus, 1999, p.206 ) The formal beginnings of intercultural communication are usually traced to the 1959 publication of â€Å"The Silent Language†by Hall. In this book, he defined culture as a concept, and described its role in setting expectations during the process of communication. He contradicted the prevalent natural assumption that communication styles and core values can be universal for all cultures. Instead, he proposed that a majority of human communication is actually non-verbal, mostly subconscious, and is determined to a large extent by cultural and linguistic backgrounds. In this book, he came up with the theory that not only does peoples cultural background act as a medium of communication, it also forms a subconscious part of the communication method.His
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
IRS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
IRS - Essay Example Taxation is one of the main ways in which the government gets money to fund its budget and offer service to the citizens. IRS is therefore a very important department of the government as it facilitates the government to collect funds from both individuals and corporations. IRS is also involved in formulating tax laws to help the government improve its tax collection methods and look in to new ways of helping the government get more finances through taxation (Malamut and Blach, 2008). Both corporations and individuals have the legal obligation of paying taxes to enable the government in its operations. There are however other institutions, individuals and corporations that have been legally exempted from paying taxes for various reasons. Since the IRS is only concerned with tax collections, it is expected that those exempted from paying taxes fall outside the legal mandate of the Internal Revenue Service. Among those exempted from paying taxes include Non Profit Organizations (NPO). These are organizations whose main objective is to serve the community through offering goods and services that help improve the living standards and the lifestyle of the people. Nonprofit Organizations are involved in activities such as sensitizing the community on health issues, enlightening the community with respect to their legal obligations, fighting discrimination among other issues. Unlike other organizations, the nonprofit organizations do not have profit making as their prime objective. Due to the good work these organizations are engaged in within the community, the law exempts them from paying taxes so as to motivate them to carry on with their good work. Despite profit not being their main objective, nonprofit organizations often report huge profits from their activities. Questions have arisen over whether these organizations ought to be taxed in such cases where they make huge profits (Malamut and Blach, 2008). A move to tax the organizations has been vehemently oppose d with most people being of the view that the profits only help the organizations improve the quality of their services. This has maintained the nonprofit sector outside the scope of the IRS. The national tax collection agency, IRS, has come under intense pressure from various sections of the country for its involvement in the affairs of nonprofit making organizations. The Internal revenue service (IRS) has recently been meddling in the management of nonprofit organizations (Chait & Taylor, 2005). The nonprofit organizations and other people see this as the IRS acting beyond its scope of work. The IRS however claims it is justified to monitor the leadership of these organizations despite them falling outside its scope. IRS has stated that its monitoring of the management affairs of nonprofit organizations is meant to ensure they comply with tax laws of the country (Hopkins, 2011). The organizations fall under the scope of the tax collection institutions since they are required by la w to adhere to observe tax regulations by strictly engaging in charitable missions within the community. The Internal Revenue Service aims at ensuring the organizations operate exclusively for charitable works. There is also great need to ensure that these organizations use their assets, including profits they earn, to help them accomplish charitable ends. By insisting on good governance, the IRS hopes to
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Stages of Development That Led to the Final Form of the Five Books of the Pentateuch Essay Example for Free
The Stages of Development That Led to the Final Form of the Five Books of the Pentateuch Essay The ‘Documentary Hypothesis’ states that the Pentateuch is a series of parallel narrative documents that have been composed and edited together by various people over different centuries in time. Some scholars believe that the composition of the Pentateuch was complex with numerous changes and later additions. The stages of development that led to the final form of the five books of the Pentateuch , i. e. the oral, written and editing stages, was interpreted by various people over a period of centuries. Prior to any written documentation, it is assumed that stories and traditions would have been retold orally. Even during the time from Abraham onwards (1750 B. C. E) when writing was in existence, it was only used by professionals in the service of rulers and temples, as the majority of the population could not read or write. This meant the stories of the Hebrews were still relayed orally through stories, poems and songs. This gave rise to embellishment and certain inaccuracies as the stories passed from one person to another and between generations. Many of the stories were told as a means of entertainment to larger gatherings and by parents to children. Over a long period of time these oral stories or traditions were brought together as collections and, in time, became the source for written material. The Pentateuch was probably contributed to by four sources commencing in the latter half of the tenth century B. C. E. They were the Yahwistic source (J), in the ninth century Elohistic source (E), the seventh century B. C. E Deuteronomist source (D), and the Priestly source (P) in the late sixth century B. C. E. As is evident, bringing the oral traditions into a written form was a complex and lengthy process spanning several centuries and calling upon different traditions, stories, narratives and laws, each with their own particular perspectives. Nevertheless, they did eventually all come together to form the Pentateuch which would have been edited by redactors in several stages over time. Given the lengthy process in reducing the oral traditions to written form, it is clear that there were various versions of stories which underwent continued augmentation or shortening. The process was therefore far from scientific thus giving rise to a significant amount of poetic license on the part of the editor. This led to inconsistencies and contradictions. It was indeed not until the Hebrew Bible was canonised in the first century A. D that a select version of each book was formally adopted and standardised.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Coop :: essays research papers
My advice to someone starting his or her coop would be to start as soon as possible. 150 or 250 hours is a long time, especially if you already have another job. This coop led to two and a half months of a very busy and hectic schedule. It is a very important part of the learning process and I don’t recommend rushing it. In my case I found it a difficult task remembering where I was supposed to be on a certain day, so I bought myself a day planner. I also advise future students starting their coops from trying to do things that you may not feel comfortable with. With me, I was not very comfortable with some of the DOS commands needed to build a new computer. All you have to do is ask someone, no matter how dumb you think the question is because this is supposed to be a learning experience and it will also help you learn to communicate. You will get more out of the coop by asking questions, which why we do the coop. BBS Computing is located in Greece New York It is a Computer Sales, Service center that also does some Networking systems. Paul Saussa, Ron Bess and John Bonacci are both owners and employees of the business. It is a relatively small business that mainly does computer sales and repair with some occasional networking jobs. The actual business consists of a show room and a workshop. The showroom has different models of computers that customers can have built to buy. There are 4 different types depending on a customer’s budget for a computer. The low-end models consisting of a Pentium III processor and 256 Mb of RAM and the basic keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, and speakers, and the high-end models consisting of a Pentium 4 processor or equivalent with 256 or more Mb of DDR RAM and premium speakers, keyboard, mouse, printer and monitor. Thus, meaning you get what you pay for. The display models allow you to show a customer some of the features of the different types of compute r systems that are offered. Such things as operating systems such as Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, and Windows XP, and also programs like Nero for CD burners, All-in-Wonder TV tuner cards and applications such as Microsoft Office. This was my first opportunity to work with Windows XP.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Teaching To Be A Successful Teacher Education Essay
Pattern of learning and larning are altering from twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours with alteration in pupils behaviour. In olden yearss, teacher is one who inculcates the cognition in scholar through instructing, but as the coevalss changed, learning profession has besides seen batch of alterations ; it has become one of the most of import professions that have batch of impact on society. Teaching has become more of sharing than merely teaching. As a hereafter instructor, I should be able to get by up with this altering scholar ‘s behavior and should learn them in the manner they understand better and demo maximal end product. In the words of former Indian president, Scientist and now functioning as professor at one of the top universities in India, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam â€Å" Educationists should construct the capacities of the spirit of enquiry, creativeness, entrepreneurial and moral leading among pupils and go their function theoretical account †. These were the chief motivational factors that created the passion of learning in me. I believe that I can construct assurance in pupils to come frontward to show themselves, promote them in stand outing in surveies and their field of involvement. From my experience as a pupil, I learnt that non all the pupils will be take parting in the same manner in the category and it is hard for teachers/ professors, to concentrate on peculiar pupils ‘ advancement. Hence, I believe that, I as a instructor should be capable of managing these type of jobs sanely and do certain that all the pupils improve their accomplishments and take part actively in schoolroom.Personal BiographyAs a pupil and good perceiver, I have been detecting different techniques and methods used by instructors to affect pupils in the category. As an MBA pupil in international concern school, I got the rare chance of larning different learning accomplishments of professors from different states round the universe. The manner the y teach, their interaction with pupils, their handling of different cultural issues ( as pupils are from different parts of universe ) , their handling of capable and helping pupils in using the theory to show concern universe made me more passionate towards taking this learning class. Their presence in the category would do pupils delighted and more interested towards topics.Ideas, beliefs and valuesTeaching has changed from merely accretion of facts through teaching process to developing scholars ‘ ability by helping them to believe critically and experiment. I still retrieve the college yearss, where my instructor Mrs. Fareed used to take particular attention of every pupil personally. She is one of the most powerful instructors I have of all time met. She has all the qualities that a instructor has to hold. She merely does n't used to learn us, she used to demo a practical concrete image in forepart of our eyes and therefore doing it easier and interesting. It ‘s bee n long clip, I departed from her, but her influence is still on me. . This form of learning through imaginativeness is a proved success factor. Whitebread ( 1929 ) , a celebrated philosopher from Harvard University, in his work â€Å" The purpose of instruction †stated â€Å" Imagination can non be measured or weighted and so supplied to pupil. It is an art that should be possessed by instructor and communicated to scholars in an orderly manner †. Whitebread ( 1929 ) work on instruction system is still taken as standard by many writers and philosophers. I would be uniting my experience as a pupil with the acquisition from these class and model myself into good instructor. I will seek to make an environment where pupils can interact with me ( teacher ) , and other pupils sing topic and better their ability in the countries that they are excited about. Because I believe that the acquisition would be successful, merely when it is meaningful. Here, I would wish to advert about my HRM professor Mrs Marian Sullivan ( guest module ) from Coventry, who has 25 old ages of industry and academic experience is so down to earth, that she is ever ready to welcome new thoughts from pupils and even larn new things from them. These characteristic in her, taught me that the ability of learning prevarications in the ability of larning. I will seek to larn new thoughts from pupils and would promote their engagement in category to convey out their creativeness. While reading through one of the articles by philosopher Mitchalak ( 1986 ) , I noticed him indicating out this art of doing pupils take part in categories is most important for being a successful instructor. He qu oted â€Å" Students should be motivated to go active scholars in category, or else, they will neither develop thought accomplishments nor engage in the category †. I will help in constructing assurance in the pupils and do schoolroom activities more interested by accommodating the instruction form, in which pupils are interested in. I besides strongly back up parents / defenders engagement in pupil acquisition accomplishments. I do n't waver to be in regular contact with parents about pupils ‘ advancement and their engagement in community activities. Learners get inspired by parent ‘s activities, functions and milieus ( neighbours, and friends ) . Harmonizing to me, parents are the first instructors in one ‘s life. Hence, I encourage parent ‘s engagement in pupils larning life. This is non merely my thought towards instruction, but it ‘s a proved fact. In one of the research conducted by William and Chavkin, they found the fact that â€Å" The more parents take part in schooling, in a sustained manner, at every degree, the better for pupil accomplishment †. Before fall ining the class, I had the basic thoughts of learning from my instructors and professors. These thoughts lighted the fire of passion for learning in me. After fall ining the class, I realised that it ‘s non merely about learning, but about sharing cognition, larning new things every twenty-four hours, altering with twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours and actuating myself and many people around me. Harmonizing to me, scholars are influenced by many factors around them. Few of them include societal safety, schoolroom environment, their personal demands and most significantly societal life. I have besides learnt that my thoughts towards learning are non merely plenty to be a good instructor and these thoughts demands to be changed harmonizing to today ‘s and in fact mundane altering single behaviour. Teachers play a important function in every 1 ‘s life. Students and society expression at instructors for alterations in present coevals. They would be the first individual to be pointed out at, when scholars does n't execute good in community. While reading through different articles on instruction and todays educational alterations, I have come across my doctrine of instruction is merely what is followed by most of the instructors around the universe. The doctrine â€Å" The art of learning prevarications behind the art of acquisition †is implemented by many instructors around the universe. Brookfield ( 1990 ) , in his work â€Å" the adept instructor †, explained this doctrine as one of the best doctrines possessed by instructors in present coevals. He mentioned that â€Å" the successful instructor is one who is able to larn from pupil and do pupil take part in category activities successfully †. Teacher, who has excellent learning accomplishments wo n't acquire success until pupil participates in schoolroom activities. By the terminal of this class, I would turn out myself to be successful instructor and scholar and get down my new calling by helping scholars to accomplish their ends. In today ‘s universe, where engineering is playing cardinal function and instructors have to accommodate with these turning engineering to make pupils good. At higher secondary schools, about all pupils, might lose giving a reading to their notes, but non lose their inbox in mail. Teachers in US and UK are following up with this tendency. Some instructors are utilizing chirrup to remind pupils of their prep and some instructors are utilizing Facebook to reach pupils, clear up uncertainties and mentor them. Governments are besides taking enterprises by carry oning extended researches on instruction system. They are in uninterrupted dialogues with instruction suppliers ( schools, colleges, universities ) to do certain that instruction is up to criterions. Encouraging pupil creativeness is besides of import for today ‘s changing universe. Students should be given opportunity to experiment theories. They should be allowed to portion their thoughts with everyone. This environment encourages advanced thoughts in scholars, which helps development of state. In words of A.P.J Abdul Kalam, â€Å" Teachers play important function in developing state with beautiful heads †. By the completion of this class, with the accomplishments gained I can travel against any challenge in Mauritanian instruction system and impart scholars with assurance and accomplishments. There have been many arguments against the instruction system in schools. Students are afraid of doing wrongs or giving incorrect replies, which finally is doing them to lose their assurance. Sir Ken Robinson, in his talk show on TED, blamed schools and instruction system, for killing creativeness in pupils by non promoting them. He farther added â€Å" you will ne'er come up with something advanced and utile, unless you are non prepared to be incorrect †. Students should be encouraged to talk out in the category, from these small beautiful heads, originative thoughts develop in hereafter. Here, I would wish to remind the words of Linda Lumsden ( 1994 ) , who has done a batch of research on pupil motive towards acquisition. Harmonizing to her â€Å" Motivation is successfully gained by general experience, but largely, it is straight related defining and communicating of outlooks, and direct direction or socialization through others ( chiefly, parents and Teachers ) †As I stated earlier, to accomplish good consequences, instructor and scholar should work together. As a instructor, I will ever maintain in head that both learning and larning are straight related to each other and when tied together decently and planned good, they can take to first-class result.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Cloudstreet Prologue
The prologue of Tim Winton’s Cloudstreet transcends one family’s tragic loss into the realms of the metaphysical, commenting on his views of life and death. Readers can contrast these views to our more modern ideologies. Through the use of poetic language Winton adds a spiritual dimension to the lives of people living in a secular society. Through imagery he also offers a construction of Australian cultural identity. Using techniques like point of view, repetition, juxtaposition, symbolism, as well as tapping into Australian vernacular and language that appeals to the senses, he manages to convey these ideas to readers.I think that the change of point of view is one of the more effective techniques Winton uses in this extract. From the beginning where he clearly uses an inclusive pronoun to describe the gathering, â€Å"Will you look at us†to the ending where the pronoun has switched to exclusive, â€Å"And you can’t help but worry for them†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This technique draws attention to the exclusion both of Fish, the reason this event took place, and of the reader. We are forced to the sidelines, watching the physical description of the families meld into a spiritual description of life and death.This extract proposes ideas about living and dying that are quite opposite to our modern ideologies. Winton suggests that the world of the living is a closed, narrow one, material and â€Å"foetid. †This contrasts to his views on death which is portrayed as a dimension of freedom and â€Å"broad vaults and spaces†that â€Å"you can see it all†from. He makes this evident through emotive language that appeal to the senses. The olfactory** word â€Å"foetid†immediately gives the idea of living a negative connotation where â€Å"silver-skinned river†is presented with such a positive, beautiful image that even the suggestion of death feels beautiful.In fact, Winton discusses water, not only in this extr act, but throughout the whole novel in highly symbolic terms. I read, in the prologue, the â€Å"silver-skinned river†to be a portal between the world of the physical and metaphysical. As Fish peers into it he sees â€Å"all the wonders inside it. †I believe Winton is conveying the idea that spirituality is a necessary aspect of life. Also the metaphor â€Å"the sound of it (the water) has been in his ears all his life†intensifies the description of Fish’s desire for the metaphysical.The quote â€Å"One of the here is leaving†can be seen as very symbolic in the fact that it describes literally Fish’s leaving the group and, in the end, leaving this life. But it also could be read to mean how figuratively Fish is transcending from the material world to the physical one through means of the river. Certain phrases are used to enhance this metaphysical portrayal of the world. Images like â€Å"earthly vision†juxtapose to highlight the idea behind the image, togetherness of the two families. â€Å"Burst of consciousness†is another spiritual, metaphorical phrase which contributes to the sense of Fish’s mind right before death.Referencing â€Å"time and space,†of course, immediately places the images into the world of the metaphysical. I think swapping so easily from materialistic images to spiritual is a clever way of expressing the themes and main ideas of Cloudstreet. As well as a spiritual reading, I see Winton making efforts to allude to a representation of Australian cultural identity. First, the use of Australian vernacular such as â€Å"chiacking†and â€Å"skylarking†sets the place for readers allowing us to see Winton’s view of this country. Throughout the novel, and even in this extract, there is a tone of longing for an Australia of the past.An Australia that was never really existant, historically. The entirety of the book is a construction of Australian lif e, a representation of the cultural identity. The cumulating of picnic foods leads to an image of celebration in Australian summer. An image that continues throughout the episodic narrative of the rest of the book. Australia can be seen as presented through an idealistic lens. For example â€Å"in a good worlds in the midst of our living†conveys an ideal Australia of community that anyone who has lived here for more than a day knows is not always an accurate perception.Winton wanted to express this view so much that he emphasized it through poetic the language technique of repetition to draw attention to the â€Å"one day, one clear, clean, sweet day. †The syntax is meandering in parts as well as abrupt and sharp in others to bring emphasis to ideas and images. For example where readers gain some insight into Fish’s mind the sentences become far more simple and short. â€Å"All. †â€Å"He sits. †etc in order to express the simplicity of Fishâ₠¬â„¢s thoughts. Repetition too portray the thoughts of a more simply minded person. Teeth teeth teeth†are the focus of Fish’s mind therefore this will be the focus of Winton’s description. In reading Tim Winton’s flowing, emotive language I found myself understanding this view of life and death more clearly. This extract allows readers to open their minds to ideas that are quite contrary to our ideologies today. The construction of Australian culture is one infused with a sense of longing and love, something those who also love Australia today can identify with. For that reason, I believe this book has a strong essence of cultural identity despite the fact that it’s not necessarily a correct representation.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Battle regarding evolution in public schools Essays
Battle regarding evolution in public schools Essays Battle regarding evolution in public schools Essay Battle regarding evolution in public schools Essay Essay Topic: The School for Scandal Many groups have tried to force their thoughts on the populace through schooling. Public school pupils, totaling in the 1000000s, seem a perfect, confined audience for the announcement of the thoughts of a few holier-than-thou groups. These groups have tried to act upon national thought by advancing their positions in the schoolroom, but this is non an acceptable method. A public school schoolroom is a topographic point for the passing of recognized cognition from an teacher to a pupil, non the topographic point for the thoughts of the nescient few to act upon the thought of the many. The local and province school boards serve as the cheque on the vocal few and find the course of study to be administered to the multitudes of pupils go toing category. Current scientific discipline course of study is widely accepted. Parents and communities have no ailments over their pupils larning about the categorization of animate beings and workss, chemical science, gravitation, cells, and organic structure procedures. The ailments are focused around the instruction of development, but for the many educated people in the field of biological science, development is a basic rule. Public school pupils must be exposed to this cardinal construct and be familiar with it. Evolution must be taught in schools since it is a scientific theoretical account that can non and should non be ignored. All other alternatives-creation scientific discipline, intelligent design, creationism, and others-are spiritual and have no topographic point in the public school schoolroom. Looking at the histor ical case in point and scientific credence, development is the lone theoretical account of life beginnings and patterned advance that should be taught in public schools. The conflict sing development in public schools has been traveling on for over a century. Charles Darwin published his book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life in 1859. The conflict in the American tribunals over his thoughts being taught in school did non get down until after the bend of the century, nevertheless. The jobs began when fundamentalist Christians, or creationists, began to worry as they saw the figure of high school pupils explode to over two million between 1900 and 1920. [ 1 ] Darwin s evolutionary thoughts were now making more pupils than of all time. The Christians decided they needed to beef up their place in schools and initiated measures in several provinces to mandate the already present patterns of supplication and Bible reading. Along with these measures came antievolution Torahs. 1923 saw the first of a long line of measures doing it illegal to learn development in public schools. Ohio started things off with their measure that banned public school text editions that taught Darwinism. Florida s declaration of that same twelvemonth stated that it was improper and insurgent for public schools to Teach as true Darwinism or any hypothesis that links adult male in blood relationship to any signifier of lower life. [ 2 ] Tennessee followed suit in March 1925 when their le gislative assembly stated that it shall be improper for any instructor in any of the Universities, Conventions and all other public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in portion by the public school financess of the State, to learn any theory that denies the narrative of the Divine Creation of adult male as taught in the Bible, and to learn alternatively that adult male has descended from a lower order of animate beings. [ 3 ] Textbook publishing houses began to fear a diminution in gross revenues get downing about this clip and began to revise their editions to take all mentions to development and Darwinism. [ 4 ] Fundamentalist Christians had won their first conflict as the instruction of development was stunted across the state. Three provinces passed new antievolution statute law between 1925 and 1930 and by the 1930s, fundamentalist fastnesss in the South had established some signifier of antievolutionary policy, whether school board mandates or administrative opinions. [ 5 ] The antievolutionary feelings had spread, much to the hurt of scientific acquisition. Evolution shortly became forbidden in the public schools. Through the 1940s, instructors and decision makers worried about piquing parents and communities and therefore avoided the instruction of development. Textbooks continued to go forth out evolutionary thoughts. It was estimated that less than half of all high school scientific discipline instructors in the early 1940s taught anything about development. [ 6 ] 1947 marked the beginning of the terminal for fundamentalist Christians contending the war over development. The United States Supreme Court ruled that neither a province nor the federal authorities could go through any statute law aiding or giving penchant to a faith. The fundamentalists took another blow in 1948 in McCollum vs. Board of Education. The Court stated that Illinois affords sectarian groups an priceless assistance in that it helps to supply students for their spiritual categories through usage of the province s mandatory public school machinery. This is non separation of church and province. [ 7 ] This ended all spiritual direction in public schools. The Space Race of the 1950s spurred new ardor in scientific discipline instruction. Scientists and politicians likewise pushed for new biological science text editions, conveying development back to the schoolroom. Fundamentalists that had triumphed in the first one-fourth century were losing the war over development, conflict after conflict. After supplication and Bible reading were eliminated from the schoolroom in 1962 and 1963, development itself eventually made it to the Supreme Court in 1968. The new push for greater scientific discipline instruction triggered by Sputnik ran into a wall of antievolution Torahs. These Torahs prevented the enlargement of scientific, chiefly biological, cognition and new findings into the schoolroom. The instructor s brotherhood in Arkansas challenged the province jurisprudence and appealed the opinions until their instance landed in the Supreme Court. The Court found the Arkansas antievolution jurisprudence to be unconstitutional. [ 8 ] This efficaciously ended all Torahs forestalling development from being taught in public schools. Another loss for fundamentalists and a immense addition for pupils and scientific discipline. The creationists had been defeated repeatedly in the tribunals and could merely acquire their positions back in the schoolroom with a large interruption. Much to the irritation of the scientific community, this interruption came in the eightiess with the rise of equal clip measures. The fundamentalists were still smartly seeking to barricade the instruction of evolutionary biological science in the schools, or if that proved impossible, to demand equal clip for the instruction of creation scientific discipline, which was an effort to flex scientific informations to conform to one of the scriptural histories of creative activity and throw uncertainty on the finds of evolutionists. [ 9 ] In 1982, nevertheless, McLean vs. Arkansas Board of Education put an terminal to the creative activity scientific discipline effort though. A federal tribunal ruled that creative activity scientific discipline is non a scientific discipline at all, but a spiritual belief, and therefore non allowed in public school schoolrooms. [ 10 ] Another measure, passed in Louisiana in 1981, went to the Supreme Court in 1987, giving the Court an chance to reenforce the place against creative activity scientific discipline. The determination states that Louisiana s equal clip Act impermissibly endorses faith by progressing the spiritual belief that a supernatural being created world The Act s primary intent was to alter the public school scientific discipline course of study to supply persuasive advantage to a peculiar spiritual philosophy that rejects the factual footing of development in its entireness. Therefore, the Act is designed either to advance the theory of creative activity scientific discipline that embodies a peculiar spiritual dogma or to forbid the instruction of a scientific theory disfavored by certain spiritual religious orders. In either instance, the Act violates the First Amendment. [ 11 ] Creationists were unrelenting though. If they could non convey their ain version of the beginning and development of life into the schoolroom, they would seek their hardest to discredit development. In the mid-1990s, the thought of text edition disclaimers took clasp, particularly in the South. The Alabama State Board of Education voted in 1995 to necessitate an absurd one-page disclaimer to be pasted into every new biological science text edition. The disclaimer began, This text edition discusses development, a controversial theory some scientists present as a scientific account for the beginning of life things, such as workss, animate beings and worlds. No 1 was present when life foremost appeared on Earth. Therefore, any statement about life s beginnings should be considered as theory, non fact. [ 12 ] In 1994, the Tangipahoa Parish Board of Education in Louisiana required that the undermentioned disclaimer be read before the beginning of any lesson sing development: It is hereby recognized by the Tangipahoa Parish Board of Education, that the lesson to be presented, sing the beginning of life and affair, is known as the Scientific Theory of Evolution and should be presented to inform pupils of the scientific construct and non intended to act upon or deter the Biblical version of Creation or any other construct. It is farther recognized by the Board of Education that it is the basic right and privilege of each pupil to organize his/her ain sentiment or keep beliefs taught by parents on this really of import affair of the beginning of life and affair. Students are urged to exert critical thought and garner all information possible and closely examine each alternate toward organizing an sentiment. [ 13 ] The tribunals found these statements unacceptable. The National Science Teachers Association ( NSTA ) adopted as portion of their place on the instruction of development in 1997 that [ s ] cience text editions shall stress development as a consolidative construct. Publishers should non be required or volunteer to include disclaimers in text editions refering the nature and survey of development. [ 14 ] Thankfully, textbooks no longer come with a sacredly based spine that undermines the credibleness of development. Creationists have non given up-the contention continues today. In 1999, the Kansas State Board of Education voted to replace development, the large knock, and any mentions to an earth one million millions of old ages old with the Intelligent Design theory. Fortunately, this determination was overturned in 2001 when a new Board was elected. [ 15 ] Unfortunately, Kansas is non the lone province covering ill with development though. A national survey done by the Fordham Foundation in 2000 found that 12 provinces had useless or absent instruction of development, but Kansas was given the lone F- for making a scandalous occupation. [ 16 ] As one can see, the history of development in schools is disruptive. Different groups within the fundamentalist motion have tried, and failed, to set faith in schools. Since all options to development are sacredly based, they can non be included in the course of study. It seems clear though that development is the lone option that can lawfully be taught in schools. Throughout the conflict in the tribunals, the creationists have failed to understand what scientific discipline truly is. Harmonizing to Webster s lexicon, scientific discipline is cognition or a system of cognition covering general truths or the operation of general Torahs. [ 17 ] Evolution falls absolutely into this class. Evolutionary biological science is a cardinal scientific theory that provides a all right instance history of how scientific discipline is done. [ 18 ] It is non a topic that can be ignored and pupils must be exposed to it in school. In fact, it is important to the apprehension of many biological constructs and must be referred to throughout the course of study, which should reflect and learn scientific cognition, non the specific beliefs of an involvement group or organisation. Since scientific discipline is neither a spiritual dogma nor a portion of a belief system, one can non believe in development. Evolution is non a spiritual belief or credo. [ 19 ] One can, and should, accept the rule as scientifically accurate, but it is non something one can believe in or non. This is different from creative activity scientific discipline. Creation scientific discipline is non a scientific theoretical account because of its trust on the supernatural. It steps outside the scientific kingdom with its thoughts that are non of the natural universe itself. Foundations of Biology, a text edition from 1953, explains the scientific rejection of creationism this manner, the particular creative activity theory as a actual account of the life universe is non accepted as a sound biologic rule by most life scientists. Credence of this theory would virtually shut the door to farther research. [ 20 ] Besides, since the constructs of creative activity scientific discipline ca n non be seen or tested since they are based on scriptural histories, they do non fall into the field of scientific discipline. As stated in the National Science Education Standards and supported by the National Science Teacher s Association, accounts on how the natural universe alterations based on myths, personal beliefs, spiritual values, mystical inspiration, superstitious notion, or authorization may be personally utile and socially relevant, but they are non scientific. [ 21 ] Evolution, on the other manus, is based on discernible, testable grounds found in nature. Development is clearly scientific and has and will go on to be tested in assorted subjects and countries of survey. The occupation of the scientific discipline instructor is to supply the pupil with a full instruction of all scientific rules. Development is one of these rules, and a really of import one at that. Eugenie C. Scott, the executive manager of the National Center for Science Education put it this manner: The occupation of a scientific discipline instructor is to learn province of the art scientific discipline, and that means development. Students who do non understand development can non be said to be scientifically literate. [ 22 ] The NSTA supports the place that development is a major uniting construct of scientific discipline and should be included as portion of K-College scientific discipline models and course of study. [ 23 ] Pennsylvania s Academic Standards for Science and Technology adopted in 2002 concur. The province s Department of Education includes evolutionary constructs and theory as portion of the criterions that depict what pupils should cognize and be able to m ake by the terminal of 4th, 7th, 10th and 12th class. [ 24 ] The National Science Education Standards besides include development as a cardinal subject in life scientific discipline and biological science. The 9-12 class content criterions include the fact that natural choice and its evolutionary effects provide a scientific account for the dodo record of ancient life signifiers, every bit good as for the dramatic molecular similarities observed among the diverse species of life beings. [ 25 ] Textbooks from throughout the century, when they were lawfully allowed, devoted big subdivisions to development. General Biology from 1928 says, the development of life things is to the trained life scientist an established fact. To him the grounds in support of such a belief is every bit convincing as that underlying the phenomena of gravity and chemical affinity. [ 26 ] The text edition exhaustively explains the major facets of development theory and even explores controversial human de velopment. As one can see, legion organisations believe that pupils should be exposed to the best scientific cognition in biological science, every bit good as in all Fieldss of their instruction. Public school pupils need to larn the positions of modern scientists, non scriptural literalists. The National Academy of Sciences provinces that [ s ] cientists every bit good as pedagogues have concluded that evolution-and merely evolution-should be taught in scientific discipline categories because it is the lone scientific account for why the existence is the manner it is today. [ 27 ] The creationists are non satisfied with scientists and scientific organisations publicity of development. They merely do non believe that development in true. This is a immense false belief, but they use the theory versus fact statement to deny development s credibleness. They say that since it is called the Theory of Evolution it is non proven true and hence should non be taught in schools. The scientific community, nevertheless, disagrees. John A. Moore, Professor of Biology at the University of California, Riverside and textbook writer explains in his book Science as a Way of Knowing, The Foundations of Modern Biology, theory for a scientist may stand for the grandest synthesis of a big and of import organic structure of information about some related group of natural phenomena. [ 28 ] The scientific community accepts a theory as true after extended and thorough testing and experimentation. Theories are alterable with new grounds though. If parts of Darwin s expansive theor y of development are found to be false, the theory itself will non be tossed out. Those parts will merely be eliminated or replaced by more accurate or likely informations. General theories are neer disproved, merely improved, says Professor Moore. [ 29 ] The NSTA agrees. They say, [ T ] heories and other accounts change as [ the ] organic structure of scientific cognition alterations [ with ] new observations and finds. [ 30 ] Development can be a confusing topic, but [ m ] any misconceptions about the procedure of natural choice can be changed through direction. [ 31 ] The instructor needs to show the facts and guide pupils into accepting the truth that the grounds shows. The dodo and anatomical record grounds for consecutive alterations of the workss and animate beings through geologic clip, with more complex signifiers looking subsequently, is so overpowering that all one demands is to hold pupils analyze the facts. [ 32 ] This is non where the conversation sing development should stop, nevertheless. Teachers have to cover with the contention every bit good. When discoursing controversial issues such as development, normally it is non the facts under consideration that are controversial ; these are by and large good established. It is the reading of the facts for personal behaviour which may be controversial. [ 33 ] This helpful testimony was shared with instructors in the 1958 edition of a ushe r for learning high school scientific discipline called A Book of Methods. It goes on to state that much is gained by promoting pupils to talk out in expostulation to evolution and so patiently pulling from them the statement that the rule of development is what life scientists have developed as an account of the facts at manus. [ 34 ] Teachers can non anticipate to learn the topic with no expostulations and no inquiries. The pupils will all convey their personal values and beliefs with them to category and particularly sing development, will be really defensive of them. The instructor should explicate why lone development is taught and why options to evolution, including creative activity scientific discipline and intelligent design, are non presented. These options are non to be presented in category because they, and all other options, are sacredly based. Based on the case in point set by the Supreme Court, none of these religiously based theoretical accounts can be allowe d into the public school schoolroom. Development is doubtless indispensable to a complete apprehension of scientific discipline. Students will non hold a full position of the scientific universe if they do non larn development. But faith besides has its topographic point in society. It should non be ignored or silenced, but it merely can non be allowed into the sphere of the public school schoolroom. Religious thoughts and survey should be accepted for what they are, but they are non science. Teachers of scientific discipline can non convey alternate theoretical accounts of the patterned advance of life into the schoolroom. Some may experience that by making this, we deny pupils their academic freedom, but this is non so. They are free to research as much of creationism or intelligent design as they desire, but non in school. We can non deny our pupils the chance to larn the scientific findings about the astonishing patterned advance of life that has taken topographic point on this planet.
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