Child writing paper
Ielts Essay Topics With Answers General
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Logic and Correct Answer Essay Example
Rationale and Correct Answer Essay The most immediate approach to assemble target data about youngsters is to watch them throughout their regular day to day existences and record what occurs. Since the nearness of a more interesting (that is, the scientist) is probably going to be meddling much of the time, the perfect system is to organize to have the kids seen by somebody who conventionally invests energy with them? a parent or instructor, for instance. (Michael Cole and Sheila R. Cole, The Development of Children) | Selected Answer:|  â The perfect methodology is to orchestrate to have the youngsters seen by somebody who usually invests energy with them? parent or educator, for instance. | Correct Answer:|  â The perfect methodology is to orchestrate to have the youngsters seen by somebody who normally invests energy with them? a parent or educator, for instance. | Question 2 | 3 out of 3 focuses  | Cows milk is not really the ideal food, as the American Dairy Association would have us accept. Entire mil k expended in huge amounts can raise blood cholesterol levels and add to coronary illness. Studies have demonstrated an association between the sugars in milk and ovarian disease. The proteins in cows milk can make the body create antibodies that can prompt diabetes, and in a fourth of the populace milk causes swelling, fart, and here and there looseness of the bowels. (Jane Brody, Debate over Milk: Time to Look at the Facts) | Selected Answer:|  â Cows milk is not really the ideal food, as the American Dairy Association would have us accept. | Correct Answer:|  â Cows milk is not really the ideal food, as the American Dairy Association would have us accept. | Question 3 | 3 out of 3 focuses  | The importance of meat eating for future human development was huge. We will compose a custom exposition test on Logic and Correct Answer explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Logic and Correct Answer explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Logic and Correct Answer explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Music Appreciation ch. 35-41 Essay Example
Music Appreciation ch. 35-41 Paper Which of the accompanying choral kinds was NOT created during the Baroque? part tune A melodic setting of the Mass for the Dead is called: a Requiem Oratorios principally drew their accounts from: the Bible Mozarts Requiem was: his last work, inadequate at his passing Who finished Mozarts Requiem? Sã ¼ssmayr The Dies irae content from the Requiem Mass depicts: Day of atonement Which of the accompanying accurately depicts the melodic powers for Mozarts Requiem? winds, metal, strings, timpani, ensemble, and four soloists The ________ goes with the baritone voice in the Tuba mirum segment of Mozarts Requiem. trombone Which of the accompanying best portrays the state of mind of the Dies irae from Mozarts Requiem? frightful and afterward pondering The content of Mozarts Requiem is sung in: Latin The German expression for the craftsmanship tune is: Lied A melody whose content is a short verse sonnet in German with piano backup is known as a: Lied _______ was NOT a significant arranger of nineteenth-century Lieder. Heinrich Heine Which of coming up next was NOT an ordinary topic of Romantic verse? recognition of the Virgin Mary The most loved subjects of the Romantic artists were: love, yearning, and nature A gathering of Lieder brought together by an account string or by an illustrative or expressive topic is called a(n): melody cycle A tune structure in which a similar tune is rehashed for each refrain of content is called: strophic A melody that is created from start to finish without redundancy of entire areas is called: through formed A tune structure in which the principle tune is rehashed for a few verses however presents new or fundamentally changed material when the content requires it is called: changed strophic Schubert was conceived in: Vienna Schubert and his companions sorted out night social occasions of craftsmen, essayists, and performers, called: Schubertiads Schubert carried on with an unfortunately short life however was an astoundingly productive author of: Lieder, orchestral compositions, piano music (the entirety of the abovementioned) In which kind was Schubert NOT obligated to Classical customs? Lied Roughly what number of tunes did Schubert make? more than 600 Schubert composed a few melody cycles, including: Winters Journey Schuberts melody Elfking is a setting of a ditty composed by: Geothe Schuberts Lied Elfking is in ________ structure. through-created Which of coming up next is valid for Schuberts Elfking? It is the artful culmination of his childhood, It depends on a legend that whoever is moved by the ruler of the mythical beings must bite the dust, It presents four characters who are separated in the music (the entirety of the abovementioned) In Schuberts Elfking, the fanatical triplet musicality of the piano backup speaks to: the dashing of the pony Which melodic gadgets does Schubert use to depict the childs fear in Elfking? high range and disharmony The author who established the New Journal of Music was: Robert Schumann Robert Schumanns spouse, Clara, was: the little girl of his piano instructor, one of the first musicians of her day, the motivation for A Poets Love (the entirety of the abovementioned) Robert Schumann finished his vocation and life: in a shelter, the aftereffect of a psychological instability Robert Schumanns A Poets Love is a: melody cycle Robert Schumanns A Poets Love is set to writings by: Heinrich Heine Which of the accompanying doesn't portray Schumanns A Poets Love? it recounts to a nitty gritty story of a lost love Schumanns In the flawless month of May is from which tune cycle? A Poets Love What is the type of In the exquisite month of May? strophic Which of the accompanying doesn't portray Schumanns In the dazzling month of May? it closes with symphonious goals Which of the accompanying doesn't depict American famous music of the nineteenth century? the writers were in every case notable Which of the accompanying depicts music in America during the mid nineteenth century? music was generally imported through Europe What is vernacular music? mainstream melodies sung in a countrys local language What nationality was Stephen Foster? American Which nineteenth-century American arranger is best associated with his parlor tunes and minstrel show tunes? Stephen Foster Which of the accompanying best portrays minstrelsy? shows that included entertainers in blackface Stephen Foster made all out of the accompanying tunes EXCEPT: At the point when Johnny Comes Marching Home Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair is: a parlor tune The type of Fosters Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair is: strophic Cultivates Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair depends on a sonnet by: Cultivate himself The most significant console instrument of the Romantic time frame was the: piano Which of the accompanying doesn't describe the piano? it is prepared to do just a single unique level Which of the accompanying instruments is fit for playing both tune and concordance? piano Which of coming up next was NOT a specialized improvement to the nineteenth-century piano? a subsequent console was included The short, verse piano piece is what might be compared to: the tune During the nineteenth century, Prelude, Impromptu, and Intermezzo were basic titles for: character pieces Nineteenth-century writers of the short, verse piano piece included: Johannes Brahms, Frã ©dã ©ric Chopin, Robert Schumann (the entirety of the abovementioned) Chopin is credited with building up the: present day piano style Which nineteenth-century writers whole yield based on the piano? Chopin Chopin spent his initial a very long time in: Poland Chopin burned through a large portion of his beneficial life in: Paris With which well known author did Chopin become impractically included? George Sand Chopin made works in all out of the accompanying types EXCEPT the: orchestra Which of the accompanying doesn't describe the music of Chopin? held feelings What is the birthplace of the mazurka? a Polish worker move Which of the accompanying doesn't portray Chopins Mazurka in B-level Minor, Op. 24, No. 4? straightforward A-B-A structure Regarding Chopins music, the term rubato implies that the entertainer should: mistreat the beat Which arranger is known as the writer of the piano? Frã ©dã ©ric Chopin Which of the accompanying best portrays the job of ladies in nineteenth-century music? the piano given ladies a socially worthy exhibition outfit Which of coming up next was a prominent lady writer of the Romantic time? Clara Schumann Which of the accompanying ladies sorted out salons including music by her sibling? Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel was debilitated from seeking after a profession as an arranger on the grounds that: she was a lady Fanny Mendelssohn Hensels yield is overwhelmed by: Lieder and piano music Which of the accompanying formed the piano cycle The Year? Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel kept in touch with her cycle The Year for: piano The composition for Fanny Mendelssohn Hensels September: At the River, from The Year, has wonderful lines by: Johann Wolfgang von Geothe Fanny Mendelssohn Hensels September: At the River, from The Year, is in ________ structure. A-B-A How does Fanny Mendelssohn Hensels The Year arrive at a degree of accomplishment past that of her sibling Felix? it is a huge scope work brought together by melodic and extramusical joins In which nation was Franz Liszt conceived? Hungary Which writer is commonly viewed as the best musician and entertainer of the Romantic period? Liszt Liszt was propelled by the virtuoso musician: Paganini Which of coming up next was the main globally acclaimed American author of old style music? Louis Moreau Gottschalk Louis Moreau Gottschalk was conceived in: New Orleans Louis Moreau Gottschalk is most popular for his ________. solo piano music Which of the accompanying explanations about Louis Moreau Gottschalk isn't correct? he burned through a large portion of his inventive life in Europe Louis Moreau Gottschalk put together a significant number of his works with respect to: South American and Caribbean tunes Which of the accompanying doesn't describe Gottschalks The Banjo? constrained range The recognizable tune cited close to the finish of Gottschalks work The Banjo is: Camptown Races Instrumental music enriched with artistic, philosophical, or pictorial affiliations is called: program music Which of the accompanying structures is LEAST prone to be a case of program music? string group of four in B-level major Music created without artistic or pictorial implications is called supreme music A multimovement, automatic work for ensemble is known as a: program ensemble Which of the accompanying authors is viewed as the primary incredible type of melodic Romanticism in France? Berlioz Hector Berlioz was conceived and burned through the vast majority of his vocation in: France Which of coming up next isn't normal for the music of Berlioz? as is common of French music, feelings are controlled Which of coming up next isn't a work by Berlioz? Italian Symphony Berliozs Symphonie fantastique is a case of a: program ensemble What number of developments are in Berliozs Symphonie fantastique? five Which of the accompanying roused Berliozs Symphonie fantastique? the on-screen character Harriet Smithson Which of coming up next isn't valid for Berliozs Symphonie fantastique? the program manages nature In Berliozs Symphonie fantastique, the idã ©e fixe: represents the adored, repeats as required by the scholarly program, brings together the five developments, which are
Saturday, August 8, 2020
The Minimalists Favorite Podcasts
The Minimalists Favorite Podcasts We spent two days last week in Southern California with our new friend, Rob Bell, discussing how to improve leadership practices, how to handle criticism, and how to adopt an appropriate rhythm of life (plus, surfing, hiking, and fish tacos). Then, at the end of our time together, Rob invited us to join him as his next guests on his wonderful podcast, The RobCast, to discuss minimalism and spirituality. Its one of our favorite podcasts, so naturally we agreed. You can listen to that episode, Episode 15 | The Minimalists, for free on iTunes. Over the past few years, podcasts have become a significant chunk of how we consume meaningful information. Later this year, we will launch our own podcast: The Minimalists Podcast. Until then, wed like to suggest a dozen of our favorite podcasts. Its an eclectic mix, and we hope youll find value in at least a few. 12 Outstanding Podcasts RobCast. Rob Bell, a talented storyteller and former mega-church pastor, explores the idea that everything is spiritual. Waking Up. Sam Harris, a well-known atheist and neuroscientist, also explores the idea that everything is spiritual. Mind Palace. Jessica Lynn Williams and Melissa Cain discuss mindfulness and minimalism from both sides of the pond. Very Bad Wizards. A philosopher and a physiologist (who are just a couple of regular dudes as well) ponder the nature of human morality. Tim Ferriss Show. Tim Ferris deconstructs the practices of world-class performers in investing, sports, business, art, etc., to extract the most effective tactics and tricks anyone can use to improve their own practices. Heres the Thing. Alec Baldwin chats with people he finds interesting, and he proves he might be the worlds best conversationalist in the process. Hardcore History. Dan Carlin, one of the best storytellers on radio, is the history professor we wish wedve had. Brilliant Idiots. Hip-hop and pop-culture commentary mixed with comedy, heaps of idiocy, and a dash of brilliance: this podcast lives up to its name. Radiolab. A show about curiosity, where sound illuminates ideas and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. 99% Invisible. A tiny radio show about design, architecture, and the 99% invisible activity that shapes our world. Grammar Girl. Your friendly guide to the world of grammar, punctuation, usage, and fun developments in the English language. Freakonomics. Economists Steve Levitt and Stephen Dubner explore the hidden side of everything. If you enjoy any of these podcastsâ€"if they add value to your lifeâ€"we recommend donating a few bucks to your favorites so they can keep creating outstanding free content. Supporting content creators directly is perhaps the best way to participate in their creative process. If you find value in The Minimalists, consider donating a dollar.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Management By Objectives - 5482 Words
Unit -7 Management by Objectives Unit-07 Management by Objectives Structure of Unit Structure of Unit 7.0 7.0 Objectives O b j e c t i v e s 7.1 7.1 Introduction t I n r o d u c t i o n 7.2 7.2 What is Management by Objectives (MBO)? by What is Management Objectives (MBO)? 7.3 7.3 Features of Management Management(MBO) by Features of Objectives (MBO) by Objectives 7.4 The Process of Management by Object ives (MBO) 7.4 The Process of Management by Objectives (MBO) 7.5 Import ance and Advant age of MBO 7.5 Importance and Advantage of MBO 7.6 Weaknesses and Criticism of MBO 7.6 Weaknesses and Criticism of MBO MBO 7.7 Making Effective 7.8 7.7 Making MBO Effective m S u m†¦show more content†¦Today, MBO is used not only as a technique of goal setting but also as a total system of planning, motivation, performance appraisal and self-control. Synchronizing goals and subordinate Objectives 7.2 What is Management by Objectives (MBO)? MBO is difficult to define. Organizations useTracks performance different reasons. In it in different ways and for broad terms, it may be stated that MBO is both a philosophy and an approach of management. It is a process in which superiors and subordinates sit together to identify the common objectives and set the Enhances organizational performance goals which are to be achieved by the subordinates, assess the contribution of each individual and integrate individual objectives with those of the organisation so as to make best use of the available resources Fig. 7.1 Management by objectives (MBO) 87 of the organisation. Get duly communicated to all who are concerned with it; Align short-term objectives to medium and long-term objectives; and MBO is a system in which specific performance objectives are determined through participative approach. Progress towards objectives is periodically reviewed and rewards determined accordingly. In other words it refers to a formal, or moderately formal, set of procedures that begins with goal setting and continues through performance review. The key to MBO is that it is a participativeShow MoreRelatedManagement by Objectives1215 Words  | 5 PagesManagement by Objectives Motivating employees seems to be a challenge for managers - Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the MBO program and provide at least one example to support your discussion. Goal-Setting Theories have evolved since the 50s and have an impressive documented literature. The Goal-Setting Theory addresses the issues that goal specificity, challenge, and feedback have on performance (Robbins, 2009, p185). Setting goals and motivating employees are always an importantRead MoreManagement by Objectives1214 Words  | 5 PagesMANAGEMENT BY OBJECTIVES (MBO) is a practical application of the reasoning behind the notion of goal-setting theory. MBO is a process in which employees participate with management in the setting of goals or objectives. An essential feature of an MBO program is that it involves a one-on-one negotiation session between a supervisor and subordinate in order to set concrete, objective goals for the employee’s performance. During the session a deadline is set for the measurement of accomplishment, andRead MoreManagement By Objectives (MBO) Essay972 Words  | 4 PagesI have selected the Management by Objectives (MBO) theory of manag ement because this relates the most to my business ideas and current working environment. The MBO approach uses many familiar processes that I am accustomed to using such as goal setting, employee participation, and feedback. Using all of these tools has helped to increase overall job performance and help to provide a more informed employee and management team. The performance of the management has to be the same goals as the businessRead MoreManagement Analysis : Management Process906 Words  | 4 Pages Management by Objectives, MBO, is a management process where managers and employees decide together what goals the employee should work to achieve. The goals set for the employee are agreed upon by both the employee and the manager. The employee is evaluated based on these goals and may be given a raise or a promotion if they have achieved the set goals within some set period of time. This management process was first introduced by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book â€Å"The Pract ice of Management†withRead MoreStrategic Management : Objectives And Objectives1343 Words  | 6 Pagesstrategic management defined in the text, and what are its four key attributes? Based on the text, â€Å"strategic management†is defined as the â€Å"analyses, decisions, and actions an organization undertakes in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.†Strategic management possesses four key attributes which are: †¢ Recognizes trade-offs between efficiency and effectiveness †¢ Directs the organization toward overall goals and objectives †¢ Needs to incorporate short-term and long-term objectives †¢ IncludesRead MorePerformance Management Process And Employee Development2036 Words  | 9 Pagesperformance models of management by objectives. This paper also addressed: 1) performance management philosophy, 2) performance management process and employee development, and 3) performance management and compensation. Keyword: performance, development, compensation Research and summarize relevant performance models An effective model of performance management system focuses on identifying, measuring and dealing with employee’s performance. Traditionally, performance management system is viewedRead MoreObjectives And Objectives Of A Project Management1302 Words  | 6 Pagesa significance of the vast knowledge that I picked up from this course, and my experience with my assignments and projects. Project Management is the art of arranging, sorting out, spurring, and controlling resources to attain specific objectives. A project is a brief endeavor intended to deliver a unique product, service, attempted to meet extraordinary objectives and goals, commonly to achieve helpful change or included quality. To summarize,there should be a framework or model which we can useRead MoreManagement Performance Evaluation Of Employees963 Words  | 4 Pagesthe procedure in which they use performance appraisal. Management by objectives is defining the objectives of an organization, so that employees understand and agree to the objectives so that they will be able to carry them out. By clearly setting the goals for the organization, it allows employees to see how their daily activities can help the organization achieve the goals that they have set out to accomplish. Using management by objective allows for an organization to better measure employee performanceRead MoreStrategic Management : Objectives And Objectives Essay1493 Words  | 6 Pages1. Strategic management to my understanding simply means how any organization manages its resources in order to accomplish its goal and objectives. It engages the setting up of objectives, analyzing the competitive environment and evaluating strategies and making in no doubt it all revolve out transversely in the organization. The below flow chart specifies the process of planning, implementation and review components for strategic management. According to me, some of the reason as to whyRead MorePerformance Management At The Retail Store1519 Words  | 7 Pages Performance Management In the retail store that in which I work as an HR manager clothes are sold along with shoes, handbags, linens, etc. Recently my company had its worst quarter and being the HR manager I have asked by the upper management to improve the performances of the retail store employees on an immediate basis so that the sales and merchandise of the store can be improved and good customers can be retained along with attracting new customers. When I got into the process of assessing the
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Easy and Fun December Writing Prompts
While December is packed with many different holidays, many with religious origins, the prompts below are for celebrating the less traditional, or even odd, events. Here is a list of writing prompts, one for celebrating each day in December. You can use these as daily warm-ups, journal entries, or for other writing or speaking and listening assignments. December Recognition Safe Toy and Gift MonthUniversal Human Rights MonthWrite to a Friend Month Writing Prompt Ideas for December December 1 - Theme: Rosa Parks DayRead Rosa Parks interview with Scholastic Magazine.Do you think that racism still exists? Give specific reasons for your answer.December 2 - Theme: Safe Toy and Gift MonthThere are many toys and items that were once commonly given to children that are no longer allowed to be sold. Good Housekeeping keeps a list.Do you think that this is a good thing? Why or why not?December 3 - Theme: International Day of the Disabled PersonThe Accessible Icon project has designed the new icon to display an active, engaged image with a focus on the person with a disability. The new icon is viewable at accessibleicon.orgWhat is the message of this icon, or any other icon, that alerts pedestrians and motorists to be mindful of people with disabilities?December 4 - Theme: National Dice DayMany of your favorite games use dice (Monopoly, Risk, Trouble, Clue). What was one of those games that you played? Why did you like this game?December 5 - Theme: Walt Disne ys BirthdayWhats your favorite Walt Disney movie? Why?December 6 - Theme: Put on Your Own Shoe DayWhile this holiday may have started as a way to have students learn how to wear and lace up their shoes, you might want to write out what steps towards independence you have taken since you were a child.December 7 - Theme: Pearl Harbor DayListen to President Roosevelts speech on the bombing of Pearl Harbor.What makes the short speech so significant? What language makes this so memorable?December 8 - Theme: Pretend To Be A Time Traveler DayHow far back in time would you go? To yesterday to correct any mistakes? Would you go far back in history? Where would you travel, and why?December 9 - Theme: Worldwide Candle Lighting Day The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor the memories of the sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, and grandchildren who left too soon. Who would you light a candle fo r, and why?December 10 - Theme: Human Rights DayWhy do you think that it is important for the world to have a day set aside as Human Rights Day? Explain your answer.December 11 - Theme: Write to a Friend MonthWrite the first paragraph of a letter that you might send to a friend that you havent seen for a long time.December 12 - Theme: National Cocoa DayIf you were given a choice of a hot beverage, which of the following would you choose: coffee, tea, or cocoa? Why?December 13: Theme: National Day of The HorseEncouraging citizens to be mindful of the contribution of horses to the economy, history, and character of the United States. If you cannot write about the horse, then what other animals would you suggest be celebrated on this date?December 14 - Theme: First Miniature Golf Course OpenedHave you ever played miniature golf? What is your opinion of it?December 15 - Theme: Bill of Rights DayDo you think that freedom of speech should be absolute or restricted in certain circ umstances? Explain your answer.December 16 - Theme: Boston Tea PartyAre you the type of person who would have participated in the Boston Tea Party, throwing tons of tea overboard into the water to protest British laws and taxes?December 17 - Theme: Underdog DayDo you tend to root for the reigning champion or the underdog? Explain your answer.December 18 - Theme: Wear a Plunger on Your Head DayDescribe the silliest thing you have ever worn (or been forced to wear).December 19 - Theme: Peace and GoodwillWhat is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for you? Write a thank you note to that person for their actions.December 21 - Theme: WinterWrite a poem or a short piece of prose about winter. Make sure to include the five senses in your writing.December 22 - Theme: Forefathers DayIt is a commemoration of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on December 21, 1620.Who are your forefathers or ancestors? What achievements did they make?December 23 - Theme: Date Nut Bread DayFood historians believe that the date palm was first farmed in the Middle East around 6000 BCE. What foods that you eat today may be studied by food historians 1000 years from now?December 24 - Theme: National Egg Nog DayWhats your favorite food to eat during the winter holidays? Describe it in detail.December 25 - Theme: National Pumpkin Pie DayPies are meant to be shared. If you had to divide a pie to share, what would be the size of each slice? Why? Who would you share this pie with?ORDecember 25 - Theme: A’habet of No L DayA’phabet Day or No â€Å"L†Day is a pun on â€Å"Noel.†What is a pun? Read some examples. Can you write a few puns?December 26 - Theme: Boxing DayBoxing Day is celebrated in the United Kingdom. These boxes are, in essence, holiday bonuses. If you could not receive money as a bonus, what would you like to find in a box as a bonus for being a good student?December 27 - Theme: Visit the Zoo DayPretend you were v isiting a zoo. Which animal would you want to see first and why?December 28 - Theme: Card Playing DayDo you like to play card games? If so, which do you like and why? If not, why not?ORDecember 28: Theme Pledge of Allegiance Day.​Congress formally recognized the Pledge of Allegiance on December 28, 1945.What do you think about when you make this pledge?December 29 - Theme: BowlingHave you ever been bowling? Do you like this sport? Why or why not?December 30 - Theme: Looking BackWrite a paragraph detailing at least three good things that happened to you during this past year.December 31 - Theme: New Years EveHow do you commemorate New Years Eve? Describe your celebrations in detail. Source Interview with Rosa Parks. Scholastic, 2019.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Main Purpose of Education Free Essays
Main purpose of education Nowadays,Hong Kong education system has an controversial issue which is about the teachers train their students in order to ensure they obtain the highest grade in public examination. As a result ,they do not know how to apply the knowledge they learned into the workplace. Teachers only teach the knowledge and students recites the information from the textbook,thus many secondary school graduates are lack of the ability to present their opinion and idea in a precise and organized way. We will write a custom essay sample on Main Purpose of Education or any similar topic only for you Order Now . The current education system ignores the main purpose of education which is to train the students’ critical thinking in the lesson. Practicing the critical thinking is definitely essential for the students because they have to contact with the hustle business environment after they graduate from the college. If they can elaborate their point of views in current affairs clearly before they graduate, they could compete with other candidates and have the higher opportunity to be hired by employer. The world is changing and going forward gradually, as Charles Darwin have said ‘Survival of the fittest’. There is a great deal of workers who has high education level in society, the employer tend to employ the people who can criticize and analyze social topic with valid reasons since well critical thinker can communicate effectively and easier to find solution of complicated problems. Provided that the students equip with critical thinking, they can be an independent and lifelong learners. Moreover , being a competitive worker should apply the critical thinking in the daily life ,instead of reciting the theory from the textbook. Even if students can comprehend the textbook’s knowledge ,it still have colossal difference between the theory and real condition. For instance, if you learned the marketing skill through the textbook, it is impossible to duplicate the whole theory in the varied business environment since there are numerous uncertain and unpredictable factors such as adjustment of government policy to affect the decision making. Therefore, it is crucial for the students to learn how to criticize the issue since the secondary school education. After we understand the significance of critical thinking, there are several ways to exercise the students to equip with it by the parents and teachers. Firstly, teacher can change the teaching approach so as to make the students can ponder the same issue in various angles. They should adopt multidisciplinary education method instead of spoon-fed education method. They can inspire and motivate the students to think more about social issue and topic, whereas the students can express their notion to teacher and student. For example, when they learn the social condition in China, teacher can teach them the current social issue such as the problem of rural and urban disparity rather than using the outdated examples in the reference book. Having more opportunity to discuss the issue with classmates is an effective way to cultivate students’ critical thinking in the class. Secondly ,the parents can instruct their children through the social issue as many adolescents love to face the virtual environment and they overlook the social topic . When they receive the news from the media ,they will not analyze and assess the topic immediately because their parents force them to attend the tutorial and they only get the skill to answer the questions, not the ability of critical thinking. Being attentive to current affairs will enhance the competence of critical thinking,hence the parents can encourage their children to read more editorial in newspaper since the students can develop their own reflection on some issue after they comprehend other’s point of view . Ultimately, getting the highest grade does not equal to obtain the better occupation. The aim of education is not only to let the students learn the knowledge and apply it to the real situation. More importantly, it should train students to be well critical thinker for the sake of working in the society. How to cite Main Purpose of Education, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Akaima Case STYDY Essay Example For Students
Akaima Case STYDY Essay 1. Why does Akamai need to geographically disperse its servers to deliver its customers Web Content? a. This is because of the purpose of Akamai, which is to solve the congestion on the Internet crowed. Therefore, Akamais current products are using this technique that a cloud platform made up of over 150,000 servers within over 1,000 networks in 78 countries around the world. These servers allow the platform to identify and block security threats and instant device-level detections, etc. So that the local server will first receive the load then provide to local users. This ill reduce the 15% up to 30% of web traffic and Latency (delay). The last but not the least, this has data verification and acknowledgement to make sure the information is safe. 2. If you wanted to deliver software content over the internet, would you sign up for Akamais service? What alternatives exist? a. Yes, I would. First of all, the case is to deliver software content over the internet, which means this product will in a certain size and will be download by users from different areas, even different countries. What is more, even we assume that there is likelihood that the software ould not as big as a HD movie, but as the information and technology flows, there will be more likely update my software in the future. Therefore, software such as Akamai would be very necessary. So that use Akamai software would guarantee the data is reliable, scalable, transmit in a fast speed, flawless, and secured with report feedback. To be more realistic, when a employee search for Faster internet delivery software, Akamai comes at one of the Tops link on Google. Plus, many good feedback remarks. b. There are Blue Coat, Limelight, Sawis, and Mirror Image Internet (In the book). 3. What advantages does an advertiser derive from using Akamais service? What kinds of products might benefit from this kind of service? a. First of all, Akamai provide more accurate and comprehensive knowledge with worldwide coverage, allow them to integrate a simple program to their web server and application server, allow them to retrieve the very latest information based on Akamai database, allow them easier to communicate with other companies through Akamai network, last but not the least, deliver ads based on local region. . 1) Local commercial, products sales; 2) religion products; 3) Periodical products; 4) price ange based on location products would benefit the most. As talked about in the book and last questions. Advertiser can deliver ads based on country, region, city, market area and so on. Corresponding to the real-time web activity. 4. Why dont major business firms distribute their videos u sing P2P networks like BitTorrent? a. Because most major business is different than BitTorrent. First of all BitTorrent is a torrent software, which relies on P2P network to allow users to participate on the same download task. What is more, BitTorrents seed providers, most of time, are individual sers. In order to upload a movie, or a music piece, P2P does not require user to purchase software. Major business firms would not use P2P networks because it will slow down the internet traffic when the website reaches a large size of customers browsing at the same time. What is more, Akamai have a big coverage of worldwide internet servers, which guarantee the business partners can receive the latest, safest, stalest and fastest information. The Akamai also is easy to collect the user data and bad internet impression will lose possible customers. . Do you think Internet users hould be charged based on the amount of bandwidth they consume or on a tiered plan where users would pay in rough proportion to their usage? The answer is yes. However, it is depends on the scenarios. When a company or the service provides is charged to use software such as Akamai, the users should be charged based on the amount used. Howev er, even in the real world, YouTube and Facebook is free to use, but the built-in commercial is the income of the company. This is a circle that users watch the video and the commercials, the website provider pay for web traffic .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 , .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .postImageUrl , .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 , .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888:hover , .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888:visited , .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888:active { border:0!important; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888:active , .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888 .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u52661da2898ac6896027ecc1f2855888:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Alice's Snazzy Pajamas EssaySoftware Company and profit from the commercials. One of the examples is High bandwidth instance videos are charged. Porters Five Forces Models on Akamai 1) Rivalry among competitors As mentioned in the book, there are many competitors doing the same work as Akamai. There are Blue Coat, Limelight, Saws, and Mirror Image Internet. Competition currently is on the price. Because this is a red ocean, competitors provide very similar products to reduce the internet traffic. As we can read form the book that Akamai has different types of products. The higher switching costs and ifferentiate products is one of the ways to reduce the direct completion. As mentioned in the book, Akamai is the first move company leading the technology, which takes the most of the market share and big market revenue. Intensity is high 2) New market Entrants There is still a possible that new entrants could enter the field. But this will cast a big amount of money and time to enter this market as new company, however, if big computer companies such as Google, CSCO have advantages to release a differentiate but relevant function product. But with big market share and market evenue, Akamai has big royal customer groups which guarantee Akamai will not be influence by the new market entrants. What is more, this technology is first introduced by Akamais founders; therefore, there might be a legal barrier for new entrants. Distribution channels access is possible for new entrants, but it is hard. Threat of new entrants is middle level 3) Substitute Products There are a lot of substitute products in current market. Because the purpose of Akamai is to provide a faster transmitting information service to users and solve the bandwidth problems. The new technologies and current technology been understand by other companies can easily conduct a similar products with different built-in functions and lunch with a new name a lower price. There are a big number of products that provide the same function in current market. Some of them are specific on certain area such as advanced routers from CSCO. So as the prices, based on the different use in different areas, the prices are different. Because of all these different types of the alternatives, I think The threat of substitutes is high 4) Suppliers servers. In order to conduct higher and better software applications, the Akamais employees have power to command his or her wages. As long as the current servers can afford the current work, there is no need to update the servers. Therefore, The power of Suppliers low 5) Customers Currently, the Akamai did a good Job of providing a good internet bandwidth solution for customers. The cost of the product and relative of total cost seems fairly good, as online shopping, social network, and HD videos are mostly expected on the internet, Customers need the fast services of network. Differentiation products are made to guarantee the need of customers. Since the Akamai already build up a big coverage of the worldwide use of customer groups, customers need Akamai to reach the newest, fastest, safest and latest information. Therefore, the bargain power of customer is not big. Unless some of the customers are not focus on Akamai areas services. Only under the condition that the service is comparable and switching to a new application require low costs. Then the customers power is high. But in currently, I think The power of customers is low to medium.
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