Thursday, October 31, 2019
Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Strategy - Essay Example Selling designer clothes to cater for the rich includes Louis Vuitton, Gucci and many other brands. Tailor clothes for the middle class and second hand clothes for the poor. We can also market the gap by locating our shops at different geographical areas in the global market. By doing this, we will make it easier for the customers to access our products without any difficulties, which will facilitate our selling and, therefore, reduce competition. Due to the improved technology, we can introduce buying of goods online and special delivery. This will motivate the busy, disabled, lazy, so that they purchase goods from our premises since busy people won’t have to neglect their busy schedule to go shopping. The disabled will also have an advantage as they will not struggle going to the market (McDonald, 2008). The lazy will also be lured to our premises, and this will boost our selling and reduce competition, thus, marketing the gap. Gap Company should attract customers from many different social classes so that they can improve their profits. Even though the gap strategy limited how the company was presenting its brand to different social classes. Gab Company should start many peer retailer shops for them to capture the low earning citizens throughout the world. The company should consider having various prices in different branches so that they can attract as many customers as possible. Gap should ensure that they do not sell inferior products at high prices because this will only make people to avoid buying the products. They should not introduce products which are not relevant to the consumers and sell them at a high price (McDonald, 2008). There is also the introduction of new stores that sold goods at high prices, yet the old stores were selling products at a fair price. This made customers from the new geographical areas to avoid purchasing products from the new stores because they were very expensive. It is a high
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Organic Food Production Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Organic Food Production Values - Essay Example Any substance that is formulated or manufactured by a chemical process, or by a process that results in a chemical change in a substance extracted from a naturally occurring plant animal or mineral source, is termed a synthetic material. The main emphasis of organic farming is to minimize air, soil and water pollution. Animal and crop wastes, botanical, biological or non-synthetic pest control methods are used in organic farming. When required only permissible synthetic material that can be quickly broken down by oxygen and sunlight are used. Alternative methods to increase soil fertility such as crop rotation, tillage and cultivation practices, cover crops, and natural products such as natural fertilizers and pesticides are used. To be used for organic farming, a plot of land has to be free from the use of prohibitive substances for a minimum period of three years before the harvest of an organic crop. Organic farming, therefore, takes a long start-up period. â€Å"Organic foods are produced according to certain production standards. For crops, it means they were grown without the use of conventional pesticides, artificial fertilizers, human waste, or sewage sludge, and that they were processed without ionizing radiation or food additives. For animals, it means they were reared without the routine use of antibiotics and without the use of growth hormones. In most countries, organic produce must not be genetically modified.†(Wikipedia) The Biodynamic Movement founded by Rudolf Steiner is the main concept behind organic farming. Conceived in the 1920s, biodynamic agriculture is the oldest consciously organic approach to agriculture. Biodynamic agriculture is stricter in its requirements for on-farm self-sufficiency, in terms of manure, compost and animal feed, than other types of organic farming.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of Education Theories
Importance of Education Theories There is nothing so practical as a good theory (Lewin, 1946) Good theory, guides effective action by turning knowledge into wisdom. It is a process of forming new ideas.   The importance of thorising in education is to underpin that what students are doing, along with supported research, discussion, argument and a range of acedemic reading. Furthermore, it is best practice for students to regularly review their work from a critical aspect and ensure what they are writing reflects the comprehension of a fellow higher educated student. Being able to collate a range of ideas and analyse whether they compliment one another or even contrast, then reflect how they relate to ones own thoughts and experiences. In essence, how theorists provoke us and how we react or correspond to their provocation. Being theoretical, in an active, engaged way, is different to simply learning theory that other people have come up with and writing about it (MacDougall et. al, 2009). Education draws on a range of academic disciplines such as; Psychology, Sociology, Cultural Studies, Philosophy and History of Education. In particular, Howard Gardeners theory looks at different forms of intelligence in the form of learner dispositions, be they visual, auditory or kinaesthic learners and that intelligence is measured in different forms. (Gardener, 1993). If this is indeed the case, we then need to ask why our education system still favours formal assessment which is often tested within stressfull conditions, that produce high anxiety for the individual. It is here one needs to take a step back and examine the broader social structure on how our society finds the need to structure and rank its people by merely determing a portfolio of qualifications in order to function within the correct levels deemed appropriate by society itself. However good a theory, it cannot simply stand alone as a theory itself without being put into practice and tested in relation to other ideas by exploring, reflecting on and reworking to create new ideas. This re-mixing is a way of thinking that is dialectical (MacDougall et. al, 2009). Within the study of education, applying dialectical thinking is an important skill which contributes to interpretaion of educational phenomena. Socialogical imagination was introduced by Charles Wright Mills in 1959 and looked at how the impact on the individual differs if the same imact affects society as a whole and how a social structire (education) contributes to social problems. The social imagination enable us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two with society (Wright Mills 1959). Critical thinking is a means to obtaining crutial knowledge. We should not simply take something as given, but by applying a social imagination look at things from new and different perspectives allowing us to consider alternative posibilities. Higher eduation should see the adult student as a more intrinsic learner, as they see the benefit in the end goal. However, how they travel on that journey can differ. As John Biggs imples, some students will tend towards taking a deep approach while others will tend towards taking a surface approach (Biggs, 1999). Interestingly, Bloom suggests that student engagement has a role to play in the way we learn and identified behavioural, emotional and cognitive as three dimensions to student engagement, shown in the example below (Bloom, 1956). I can see how these two work hand in hand, as a deeper approach to learning sees students engaging with and intentionally seeking in gaining that extra knowledge, as well as welcoming the challenge of deeper learning to improve their own intelligence. I believe that during my last assignment, I actually took those positive steps towards becomming a student of deeper learning. I know it was because the subject matter was of great interest to me and as it related greatly to my role with school which motivated me more into seeking that greater depth of knowledge. I was pleased with obtaining my distinction, it proved to me that I had the ability to achieve more knowing I had that added value of interest in this specific assignment (Hastilow-Ali, S. 2017). I now hope that I will be able to apply the same strategies to my specialism and interact more vigorously relating new ideas to previous experiences. The surfaced level approach sees the less engaged student sticking closely to the courses requirement throughout and doing the bare minimum to get by, as their only goal is the qualification itself. A stategic approach to learning sees the type if student who desires a positive outcome. They will organise their time and ensure that the materials and resources for studying are appropriate. The strategic approach derives from an intention to obtain the highest possible grades and involves adopting well-organised and efficient study methods (Entwistle, 1992). I have found in writing assignments on how I learn as a student, and what its like to be in higher education, are subjects which have not stimulated me into wanting to seek a greater depth of knowledge. This I equate to being a compulsory part of the course, but of little relevance to my current professional role. Here is where I struggle, as being bombarded with lots of reading material on theory that generally has no great interest to me leads me to switch off. I then have to really work hard at encouraging and motivating myself to press on and work through the necessary steps to help me achieve the understanding of the subject matter I need for my assignment. Therefore, I definitely see myself as dipping in between a surface and strategic learner for the above subjects in question.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Language in Our Lives :: essays papers
Language in Our Lives Have you ever wondered who taught you to talk the way you do? People learn to talk and express themselves everyday of their lives. Starting from the day you were born you used language or some form of it to communicate with those around you. As a baby you usually show your displeasure with your new surroundings by crying, and if you don’t the doctor will make sure you do. Everyday we express our point of view to others in some form of language. Whether it is through verbal communication, written discourse or through body language, you can tell if a person is upset, angry, or happy. We as human beings don’t realize how much language has to do with our lives. How can you determine if one of your friends is angry with you? Is there a different tone to their voice? Do they have a stern look on their face? Of course they do, your friend feels the need to express their anger to you by these different forms of language. Where do we learn to use these different forms of la nguage? How are our uses of these languages shaped? The three main contributing factors to how we express ourselves through language come from our schooling, our friends, and most of all from our families. Going to school can teach you many things, even more than you can imagine. Who would know that in school you could actually learn a whole new vocabulary? This never seen before vocabulary will only come out in writing and besides that will be hidden deep among the depths of your subconscious. Truly, school can teach you more than just random information. Schooling has a huge affect on language you use in a daily basis. The only place where I was ever taught that the way in which I spoke was wrong. When I look back at the time consuming vocabulary work and the never-ending readings, I now realize how I benefited from them. I may not me the best writer, but I do have a plethora of words to share. Where do you think you learned that you’re not doing good you’re doing well, and who taught you that a coma should be placed here, or that you shouldn’t end a sentence with a preposition, without these helpful teachings I don’t know where we would be at.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Computers Science Essay
Living just for existence has never been the objectives of my life.I have always looked forward to get the best out of my life. As a student of Bachelor of Technology in E.I.E(Electronics&Instrumentation Engineering), I look to graduate study to widen my ken, which would facilitate in fulfilling my ambition of doing Master’s program in Computer Science Engineering. Technology and its myriad aspects fascinate me! Specifically the Computers stream that pervades all areas of business in today’s world. I have been interested in problem solving from a very young age, especially problems related to mathematics. Now that I have completed my bachelor’s degree, and working as a programming developer in Cloud computing Technology for 13 months,has made me to so fascinated for technology and moved my steps towards learning software languages.i feel pursuing masters in Computers would give me an ample scope in fullfilling my dreams as a good developer and have a research project in cloud computing. Deep in my heart, I feel this inordinate urge to do whatever possible within my reach for the less fortunate would take me forward in achieving my goals. Integrity, both in thought and action has meant everything to me. My strong set of value has helped me grow into a responsible citizen with a keen sense of duty. It has also furthered my thirst for newer horizon. This course is one of them. It’s a pathway to newer grounds, pivotal to both my professional and personal agenda. My objective for a master’s degree is to get involved in such a course which could help me in achieving my ultimate goal. I believe that a career in such a field in an intellectually stimulating academic environment will offer me an excellent way to contribute my bit to the life long process of development and dissemination of knowledge. I am fully aware of the kind of dedication and hard work needed, and I am confident of meeting the challenges. Interactions with your theoretical & technical expertise of the faculty and the environment in the University will add to my vision. Understanding this quest needs considerable persistence & an infinite capacity to learn. And if at all I can assure you of anything, it is my desire to learn, evinced by the fact, that I have always tried learning, whenever an opportunity presented itself at all points of my life Why Computers Science? I was thoroughly fascinated by the Computers and technology from my teenage days I always thought that computers was my career option as I was greatly influenced by my brother who is a successful person in this field .But for my undergraduate course I opted for the electronics and instrumentation due to the recession at that time because of which the future in computers was unclear. It was easy for me to go for electronics as it has been my subject of interest next to computers. I was introduced to the subjects C, Computer Organisation,Micro Processor& Micro Apllications, Java .Especially java in my 4th year of Btech and I started liking the subject instantly because during whole of my life I was amused with the OOPS concepts and its real time implementation in many domains,mobile applications. I wish to join the bandwagon in this field of study and would like to contribute something to it. It was only during my under graduate course that I discovered this to be an apt field of study that suited me and my passion for it grew much stronger and I felt reaching distances in this field is my destiny. so ,I have made ground myself and got successfully placed in multinational company(TCS). This is the place where i found myself and started developing penchant for programming and decided it as my career for future.As,I had my training in java and later my first project was on Cloud Computing technology,Salesforce( CRM tool) as a developer which has OOPS concepts with apex language as its programming core.My project was on insurance domain.I really felt that this is good opportunity to learn things and grabbed every opportunity to learn the concepts. As it was enterperneur tool , i had a good scope for analysing requirements and work accordingly to complete goals assigned to me on time . I had also pursued DEV 401 certification in Salesforce.This 13 months of job experience has made me to decide that programming would be my passion and decided have concrete skills in programming and decided to pursue masters in computer science. A thorough browsing through the web pages of your university helped me discover that your university is an ensemble of excellent faculty and innovative research facilities. An environment replete with extensive academic activity and a Master’s program at the cutting edge of every other sub-field further enticed me and motivated me to choose your university. I strongly feel that Masters in Computer Science Engineering Program from your University is a highly structured program because it provides the right balance between theory and practice.A premier seat of knowledge and information derived from the cream of intelligentsia coupled with excellent infrastructure is where I would get ample oppurtunities to apply knowledge and excel my programming skills to be a technical gem. I write to you with the earnest that my background and qualifications will be found suitable for admission to this prestigious program,Masters in Computer Science Engineering from your University. An assistantship besides providing financial support would give me an invaluable research/ teaching experience. I am keen to be a part of the student community at your esteemed university with suitable financial assistance. I am very much obliged to you for providing me with this opportunity to express myself.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
History of Western Civilization Essay
An outstanding single event that happened in history during the ancient period was the development of the alphabet in Egypt around 2800 BC. This was in the form of hieroglyphics, which was the writing system devised by the Egyptians in order to improve their communication processes. The symbols developed by the hieroglyphics represented important messages and information that helped to clearly improve the way of living of the Egyptian people. Although the hieroglyphics are not used anymore today as part of the modern alphabet, it clearly became the basis for the establishment of the English, Greek and Latin alphabets that were further developed by people that lived during the Western civilizations. It was through the hieroglyphics that the concepts of vowels and consonants evolved, and the improved alphabets were effectively merged with different Western languages that enabled them to use better methods of communication (Budge, 2009). The legacy that the establishment of hieroglyphics has left to the modern era is the gift of improved written communication. With a recognized set of alphabet, people at present have been able to effectively express their ideas and sentiments through various forms of written communication. With the emergence of various technologies like mobile phones and computers, written communication has even become easier and able to reach people from various parts of the globe. Thus, people are given the opportunity to effectively convey their messages to one another by using a common alphabet and language system that they can understand, preventing unnecessary conflicts or misunderstandings that could potentially happen along the process of communication. The establishment of the Oxford University in 1249 is another outstanding single event that deserves consideration. Oxford University is one of the first academic institutions that were established all over the world, and it is already one of the oldest at present. The various religious sects in England had the initiative to establish an academic institution where the people can be able to get formal learning and improve their knowledge and understanding about various subject matters. Because of the massive influences of the medieval, renaissance and early Industrial Revolution periods, even the people from Western civilizations traveled to Europe and aimed to study at Oxford University where the best teachers all over the world can be found (Feingold, 2010). Music, religion, politics, science and law were the common subjects being taught at Oxford University, and the students returned to their respective countries bringing along with them the knowledge that they learned and applying them into the society. The legacy that the establishment of Oxford University has left to the modern era is that it provided the inspiration for the Western and Eastern worlds to make education of people a top priority. The significant intellectual improvements of students that studied at Oxford University paved the way for the foundation of many other universities all over the world. For example, America was able to establish its first university, Harvard, in 1636. It became clear for people that they had to get formal education in various schools and universities for them to be able to maximize their skills and capabilities and be able to become productive citizens and contribute positively to society. An outstanding individual during the ancient period was Plato. Originating from Greece, Plato’s ideas undoubtedly helped to shape the Western philosophy. His ideas on Platonic realism, theory of forms and the definition of knowledge helped to educate the people and made them think about their own perspectives about these matters. Plato also founded the Academy, an academic institution that was meant to help people to have a better knowledge and understanding about things that they were interested about. Perhaps the best contribution of Plato for the Western civilizations was his ideas on the ideal state. He believed that in order for the state to be able to function effectively, the society had to be properly organized into people that will lead, people that will serve, and people that will give recommendations and advice (Taylor, 2001). These people have to be able to work harmoniously so that the state can attain peace and progress in a sustainable manner. Plato also reminded that the people also had to make certain sacrifices whenever necessary so that the state can be able to stand strong and repulse any attempts from its enemies to destroy it. All these ideas of Plato have surely left a lasting legacy in the modern era as most governments still make use of his ideas on the ideal state to be able to guide them in the process of leadership and governance. His philosophical ideas are still being taught and debated in various academic institutions and have paved the way for people to appreciate Plato’s intellectual brilliance especially during his time where so many people were aspiring to make a huge difference in society. Another outstanding individual that lived during the Renaissance-early Industrial Revolution periods was Niccolo Machiavelli. Originating from Italy, Machiavelli’s contributions to Western civilization were mainly rooted on political science. Known for his courage and boldness in citing his opinions on various political matters, Machiavelli is well recognized for his unique ideas that even became the inspiration of other philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Leo Strauss. Perhaps the best contribution of Niccolo Machiavelli was his masterpiece entitled The Prince. This book expressed Machiavelli’s ideas regarding a more deliberate and forceful transfer of power. He believed that when the leader of the state was not performing his roles and responsibilities, the people need not to wait for the leader to step down (Ford, 2005). Machiavelli mentioned that the people can be empowered to forcefully expel the leader of the state from his position and choose the best and most suitable leader as the replacement. He thought that this was a necessary evil in order to restore balance and orderliness in the society instead of the people doing nothing and allowing the ineffective and corrupt leader to continue to stay in power and eventually become stronger in time. Thus, these ideas of Niccolo Machiavelli paved the way for the establishment of the people empowerment concept, which is his legacy for the modern era. Although people at present do not really aim to kill their incompetent leaders or incite chaos to demonstrate their discontent, they use the ideas of Niccolo Machiavelli as their inspiration to have the courage to stand up and make their voices of displeasure be heard.
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